To Hold a Wolf by the Ears

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: To Hold a Wolf by the Ears
Author(s): Dangermouse
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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To Hold a Wolf by the Ears is a Jim/Blair story by Dangermouse.

Reactions and Reviews

After getting sent packing by Jim at the end of Crossroads, Blair finds himself at loose ends. Fortunately, he gets a call from Naomi about some mutual friends who need help fixing up their newly purchased house in the middle of nowhere. What better place to go to give Jim some space?

Of course, this is Blair. I'll let you guess how long it takes him to get into trouble.

As we all know by now, I have a leaving!Blair kink. I also have a quieter (since there's not much chance for me to satisfy it, unfortunately) survival!fic kink and this fic does a beautiful job of blending the two. Unlike many stories where Blair leaves town, this is not an unplanned, rushed decision to go into hiding. Blair informs Simon where he's going, leaves a note for Jim, and makes arrangements to keep in touch. In other words he's not running away, but instead taking a break, one that he probably needs more than Jim does at this point. It's a rarely used plot in Sentinel fic, but one that really works for the story and one that I would love to see more often.

On top of the intriguing premise, you have a whole bevy of fascinating original characters that help fill in Blair's past in a unique and suprisingly plausible fashion. I'm not a huge fan of OCs usually, but all of Blair's extended family are interesting, well-developed, and likeable. Combine that with the most adorable wolf ever (er, behind Diefenbaker, of course), plenty of realistic angst, and Jim behaving as an adult (well, okay, with a little nudging) and you have a down-to-earth, entertaining tale of familial (and romantic) love.[1]

Set immediately after the events in Clayton Falls, Blair goes to visit friends before Jim gets home; their pet wolf hybrid becomes very attached to him. But then he's hurt saving the half-wolf from a flash flood. This is a story that gives some insight into Blair's past; there's a little mysticism; there's Jim... well, admitting to appreciating Blair. It hits all my buttons.[2]


  1. ^ 2008 comments at Epic Recs
  2. ^ 2013 comments at Crack Van