The Worst Sailormoon Pages Ever

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Name: The Worst Sailormoon Pages Ever; AQ's Worst of Web
Owner/Maintainer: The Amazoness Quartet
Dates: active 1996-2004
Type: meta
Fandom: Sailor Moon
URL: The Worst Sailormoon Pages Ever, Archived version
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The Worst Sailormoon Pages Ever was a site that reviewed and critiqued Sailor Moon-focused fansites. Sites were penalized for things like ugly graphics, loading time, and spreading false information about the series. There were guides to making a "good" fansite, a Rantings & Ravings page, and a section with information about the Dead Moon Circus, villains of the SuperS season/Dream Arc of the manga. The webmasters also posted "guest column" rants on behalf of other fans without their own websites.

The Site's Purpose

Why did we make this page?

Simple, for one reason only. We are sick and tired of useless pages on Sailormoon. Do you realize there are over 100,000 web pages that at least mention the show? Sadly, only a small number of those web pages are ever worth going to. We want to save you time by helping you avoid the bad sites, and show you to the good ones.

True, you may think some of the web pages we list as bad are good, or the good are bad, but that's your opinion. This is ours, take it or leave it.

Webpages are made to be informative, interesting, and entertaining. Bad pages confuse and frustrate the hundreds of new-to-anime-and-Sailormoon people who simply want to learn more about a show. Sailormoon pages have no standard on what's good or what's bad. We hope to raise people's standards and get people to think about what they do on webpages.

