The Road to Nevada

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Title: The Road to Nevada
Author(s): Lamardeuse
Date(s): December 2005
Length: ~38,000 words
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: The Road to Nevada (when the world is puddle-wonderful)
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The Road to Nevada is a Sheppard/McKay story by Lamardeuse. It was written for SGA Santa on LJ in December 2005. AU, NC-17, c. 38,000 words.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read:

The last of my fiction recs for the month, this one spins romance, mystery, cannonball run, the Stargate universe, and pre-WWII America into one heck of an AU. Technically, I think John is a member of the lost generation, having lied about his age to fly during the war, coming out of it with a certain measure of wanderlust that keeps him always on the road.

Meanwhile, Rodney's an inventor working on a new generation of airplane, and he needs a new test pilot, his old one having vanished right before an important test. He hires John, who discovers the plane has been sabotaged. Other more sinister encounters await them back at Rodney's home, and the two of them end up on a frenetic cross-country trip to Nevada, with the fate of the world hanging in balance.[1]

Set during the Depression, this AU is a rollercoaster ride on the run. It's a great adventure.[2]

I love this story so very much. It’s way up at the top of my comfort fic list. Lamardeuse says, “I started off with a cracked idea for a J/R version of It Happened One Night, but when I went through the movie again I realized that most of the snark and humour was based in gender politics, and wouldn't fit their characters. And then I started thinking about some of the other movies I love, like Test Pilot and My Man Godfrey and the Road pictures...” She nails it! This story is exactly like those fabulous films I watched on late night tv as a kid, and later at the Castro and Roxie cinemas in San Francisco. [3]

lamardeuse is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors of the fandom. This is an astonishingly well done depression era AU in which Rodney is an aeronautical engineer and John is a test pilot and all roads lead to Atlantis in that way that I just love. Also, this is satisfyingly long, about 38,000 words.[4]

