The Internet Is Not Just For Porn

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Title: The Internet Is Not Just For Porn
Author(s): cyerus
Date(s): December 27, 2011
Length: 1,911 words
Genre: humor, fluff, crack
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
External Links: AO3 Goodreads

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The Internet Is Not Just For Porn is the BBC Sherlock fic with the most kudos on Archive of Our Own (over 46,000). It has been translated into French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Japanese, Russian, Vietnamese, Korean, and Mandarin. It has over 430,000 hits.

Reactions and Reviews

It captures the essence of Sherlock thanks to the ironic tale about Sherlock's relationship with John.

Kath Leroy[1]

This my go to fic for when I'm having a bad day and need a laugh. Or even just when I need a laugh. I must have read it 50 times since finding it just a few months ago. You are awesome.


Our fanfiction book group, hosted here at our local library, read your fic The Internet Is Not Just For Porn. It was very, very much enjoyed. It made us laugh out loud. The metaphors were so good; from Lestrade's mind crashing like a shoddy Microsoft product to Sally shuddering that John was probably "a provider" and how it so was horrible domestic. So good! Keep up the wonderful writing and thank you for this fic. Everyone who read it gave it kudos!



  1. ^ Fic Recs: 10 Amazing Works Of Sherlock Fan-Fiction On AO3 by Kath Leroy on ScreenRant (2021)
  2. ^ Comment on AO3 (2014)
  3. ^ Comment on AO3 (2015)