The Forgotten One

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Title: The Forgotten One
Author(s): Serious Moonlight
Date(s): 1999
Genre: slash
Fandom: Blake's 7
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The Forgotten One is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Serious Moonlight.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #5.

Reactions and Reviews

The third novella-length story is "The Forgotten One" by Serious Moonlight. I found a it little disappointing relative to the rest of the zine, although it's still basically good. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the author has been a K/S writer, because some of Avon's dialogue sounds rather Spocklike to me. The plot revolves around a figure from Blake's past, a lover who betrayed him and whose memory greatly complicates his relationship with Avon.[1]

Serious Moonlight: Hopeless. This reads like a K/S fan's first take on A/B. Avon has blue eyes, which I wouldn't mind if she'd got anything *else* right, but the tone of voice is wrong as well. Like a bad Sentinel or K/S story, a pair of wobbly-lipped men with the emotional depth of thirteen-year-old girls have to be drawn together by a wise unselfish woman character. Vast quantities of badly-described emotions, and dialogue that doesn't convicted me it belongs to the Liberator crew. Avoid.[2]

I skipped this one fairly quickly, because I didn't like the prose style/the way the dialogue was being written. Plus, the other reviews posted on Hermit/Fanlore are fairly damning. So - let's go on.[3]
