tarsh's cave

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: tarsh's cave
Author: tarsh
Dates: 2001 or before - last update 27 October 2005
Fandom: Highlander, The X-Files, Stargate SG-1
URL: http://tarshaan.moonlit-eyrie.com/
http://tarshaan.tripod.com/ (defunct)
main page
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tarsh's cave was tarsh's personal fanfiction site. It was a member of the Duncan Methos Slash Ring and originally hosted by Tripod. Jaguarundi's Lairs linked to it in 2001.[1]

This is my new home on the web; and many grateful thanks to Rhi for making it so lovely and decorative as well as functional!

Pretty much everything here is Highlander or X-Files. Much of it is slash, too, although there're the odd bits of gen if you look around. Obviously most of the characters belong to the various powers that be; the few that don't, I hope you enjoy!

[...] Much of the fiction contained within these pages is slash -- m/m or f/f relationships, implied or explicit -- so follow the links only if you are fully aware of what this means and old enough to do so legally. In other words, don't complain about the content of what you may find here after having been warned! Complain about the writing, by all means, or the characterization, or the lack of a plot, or holes you could drive a truck through, or whatsoever else should strike your fancy; just don't complain about that which you were warned.

Highlander Stories

story index


Syni Molniya -- It's the oldest tale I know, that of the syni molniya. It stretches back to the beginnings of our family, our world; forward to time immemorial. The long-lived ones, who look just like any other unless you cut them, who walk the world with wary eyes and call the lightning from clear skies. Like the other tales of my childhood, I never doubted its truth. (Quickening Lyric Wheel story.)

At The Root Of The World Tree -- Duncan MacLeod had Connor. Connor MacLeod had Ramirez. What if an immortal had... no one? And nothing to go on but old stories and legends... and the immortals who found him? Who'd go looking then? (Follows on from Syni Molniya.)

The Cycles of Eternity, by Cassidy

The Road Through, by tarsh -- Cassidy wrote a wonderful Methos story, "The Cycles of Eternity," and in doing so saddled me with a Duncanmuse(-that-isn't), who promptly gave forth with his side of the story in "The Road Through." We then infected Omega, who wrote a poem, "Destiny," in response to our stories.

Destiny, by Omega

Free-standing Stories

All The World's A Stage -- This is the story I actually intended to write for Rhi's alphabet challenge. Amanda, Matt McCormick, and a police station. Act II coming soon -- nag tarsh if it's not updated by 1 Oct, 2005.

Amanda -- NEW -- a drabble, from Methos' POV, on why he should know better....

Compromising Positions, rated NC-17 -- How much mischief can Methos get into before Duncan takes him in, uh, hand...

Consequences -- Methos deals with the consequences of his actions.

Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing -- Rhi issued an alphabet challenge. This story forced itself onto my harddrive. It's depressing. Sorry.

A Hausdorff Space, rated R -- A picnic by the river, a little exploration behind the trees....

Heat Transfer -- NEW -- Methos' POV drabble, on heat and cold.

Hour Follows Hour -- Following the Horsemen, Methos is not a happy chappie. My first fanfic. It shows.

Impermanence In Stone -- Methos gets contemplated.

In Cervisia, Futura -- Crossover Lyric Wheel story. Crossover with the X-Files. Methos and Mulder chatting.

Journeys -- NEWly reposted -- A story of a rowboat and a handful of monks. Written for the Lyric Wheel.

Life Is Very Long -- NEW -- Methos' POV drabble about the passing of time.

Light -- NEW -- Methos' POV drabble on light, and humidity.

Melodramatically Inclined -- A little melodrama is good for the soul....

Naked Plotbunnies, rated NC-17 -- At least, until I get a better title. Snippit inspired by plotbunnies carelessly left loose on Rhi's Eyrie.

Nets -- A Work In Progress (Duncan/Methos slash).

omyara, rated R18 -- I have no clue how to describe this one, folks. It's sort of weird. It's also short; so go read it.

Renewal, rated R -- Five thousand years makes for an awful lot of memories....

Sleeping With The Devil, rated PG-13, slash content -- How does Methos react when MacLeod seduces him out of the blue?

Stine's Moor -- Methos gets contemplative.

Sunlit Shadows -- "I don't care who you are, where you've been, what you do. It's not possible to survive for five thousand years and want to live for every moment of them."

Tempest, rated R-- A quickening, in ABC challenge format.

Time -- NEW -- Methos' POV on the elemental nature of that beast, time.

Tricks of the Trade -- NEW -- There are reasons Joe Dawson's a damn good Watcher, and he wishes more of the new Watchers would think about them.

The Truth About The Horsemen, R rated at the beginning -- Exactly what it says. No, really.

What Might Have Been -- After Ahriman is defeated, Methos has to deal with emotions stirred up by MacLeod's return to Paris. Angsty above and beyond.

Who Shall Be Able to Stand? -- Methos mourns.

You Can't Stay Here -- NEW -- When you're sure you died, but you won't stay decently dead....

X-Files Stories

The Yeats Ensemble

A Terrible Beauty is Born -- Alex mourns. I think this is the saddest thing I have ever written.

Too Long a Sacrifice -- After it's over....

O When May it Suffice? -- A meeting.

What is it But Nightfall? -- The aftermath.

Part five -- yet to come.

Free-standing Stories

All That Is Done -- NEW -- Because sometimes, just sometimes, work can be as much fun as play. Deadly serious or not.

Coalescence, rated R for horror and lust -- NEW -- When the Oil departs, where does that leave the human it rode?

Cognitive Dissonance -- NEW -- When informants and agents don't speak the same language... even if they are both using English.

In Cervisia, Futura -- Mulder and Methos chat. Crossover with Highlander. Written for the Crossover Lyric Wheel.

Naked Plotbunnies, rated NC-17 -- Bunnies left carelessly about lists tend to breed.... Crossover with Highlander.

Nightswimming -- Mulder and Scully investigate an XFile. Written for Pollyanna's Undercover XF Lyric Wheel.

...of my enemy -- Er. It's short; go read? Written for the XF dictionary wheel. Many thanks to Rhi for encouragement, the title, and doing the webpage for me :-)

Slight Of Hand -- NEW -- Krycek finally left evidence behind him, and Mulder's going to see that he's jailed. Right?

Sometimes -- NEW -- The future's never certain, and the futures possible for Mulder and Krycek waver in and out of Sight.

Swallow You Whole, rated NC-17 (disturbing content) -- Entry for the X-Files Lyric Wheel. A different take on the consequences of technology.... WARNING: Major squick factor. You have been warned.

Unexpected Quarters -- NEW -- "A coward dies a thousand times; Krycek has drinks with two DEATHs." A.k.a. 'How to get out of a silo...' (XF/Discworld)

You've Seen My Face Before -- ...or have you?

Stargate SG-1 Stories

Frying Pans and Fire, rated NC-17 -- Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.... Rae has writer's block again. What I want to know is: why is it every time Rae gets writer's block, I end up with muses threatening terrible vengeance?

lost -- Sometimes, there is no room left for comfort.... Very short, and very painful.


Shattering Souls -- Sometimes dreams hurt far more than life itself.

Starscience -- Science, theology, and mystery.

Stine's Moor -- Methos gets contemplative, poetically no less.

Who Shall Be Able to Stand? -- Methos mourns.

Hosted Stories

Losing the Good, rated NC-17-- Tansy has kindly allowed me to host her first fanfic. And the rest, as soon as I can talk her into writing them (g). Please do let her know what you think of her tale. A nice, dryly humourous Duncan/Methos piece.


  1. ^ Jaguarundi Lairs: Highlander's Lair, via Wayback: 06 March 2001. (Accessed 01 June 2020)