Sentinel, Interrupted

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Sentinel, Interrupted
Author(s): Elaine
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Sentinel, Interrupted is a Jim/Blair story by Elaine.

Reactions and Reviews

What if Jim and Blair had first met as Sentinel and Guide kids, then were separated for thirteen years? I love her Jim – grown up and young at the same time, after spending so long without a Guide, and Blair’s instant decision to look after him so they can be together.[1]

In a universe where sentinels and guides are known, Naomi does not want her three-year-old son to be a guide... and Jim lets Blair go. And Blair forgets... for years.

Deprived of his guide, Jim spends those years sedated and restrained. And then Blair finds him again - but also finds that for some reason the doctors aren't willing to accept that Blair can pull Jim back to 'reality'. In addition, Jim is blind...

This is a complete AU in that Jim is not a cop and there is no mention of any other canon characters apart from Naomi and Incacha. It does belong in the 'sentinels and guides are controlled by Authority' category. Elaine's handling of the story is deft and for me very satisfying.[2]
