Secrets (Star Trek: TOS story by Sharon Pillsbury)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Secrets
Author(s): Sharon Pillsbury
Date(s): 1988 or 1989
Length: 20 pages
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Secrets is a K/S story by Sharon Pillsbury.

It was published in the print zine Charisma #4.


"In this "Mirror" universe story, Spock is in love with Kirk but Kirk can't accept that because he's never known real love and therefore doesn't believe in it. Meanwhile, Kirk is harboring a secret that is affecting his ability to command."

Reactions and Reviews

At first, I didn't think this story was an alternate universe story, but as I read on I realized it was. I had many favorite parts. Sharon really made the story very interesting to read. I especially liked the part where Kirk beams Darjan down to his death. Kirk only wants to go to Spock for comfort, but when he goes back to his quarters he sees a message from Spock requesting a transfer. The pain that Kirk felt when he read this was so tangible to me. I nearly cried myself. I also liked the way that James Kirk can start a brawl in a bar so easily. Even though he isn't quite himself, he is a very resourceful person. I think that Sharon Pillsbury is a very good writer! I would suggest to someone to read this story because it is really interesting. [1]
