Second Verse

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Title: Second Verse
Author(s): sgamadison
Date(s): 2009
Length: 58725 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Second Verse is a McShep story by sgamadison.

Reactions and Reviews

Summary by the author: Written for the 2009 sgabigbang. A bitter and disfigured Sheppard is forced to play the role of McKay's friend when a delusional Rodney from another universe encounters an embattled Atlantis. Before he knows it, John finds himself changing under the influence of Rodney's friendship. But will that relationship survive when Rodney finds out that John has just been playing him all along?

Give this one a chance despite the somewhat dark summary and the warnings at the bottom of the Big Bang page - it's so worth it. I love the Rodney and John in this one to bits and I'm still not sure if it's despite or because of their flaws. It's an intriguing, thought provoking story that I couldn't stop to read when I first discovered it. And since it's a Big Bang story: don't forget to check out the artwork.

In fact, I recommend all her "Second" stories which are variations on the theme of alternate realities: sgamadison's LJ. [1]

oh but this story is lovely. so heartbreaking but uplifting at the same time. everything they go through, everything rodney goes through… *tears* so good.[2]
