Pennies for the Jungle

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Pennies for the Jungle
Author(s): rentgirl2
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Pennies for the Jungle is a Jim/Blair story by rentgirl2.

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Blair is a successful doctor who runs a charity for hospitals in third world countries. Jim is an amnesiac living in a third world country; a sentinel without a guide whose life has never felt complete.[1]

Blair is a medical doctor who raises money for clinics in remote regions of the world. Jim was on an ill-fated mission, but it was in the South Pacific and he ended up off-course in Borneo. Jim was never rescued and has been taken in by a tribe called the Dyak. When the chief’s wife is on death’s door, “Jimelis” goes searching for the “blue-eyed healer”, hoping that Blair will be able to save her life and Jimelis’ sanity.[2]

In this AU, Blair is a medical doctor working in jungle territory, opening new clinics in different parts of the world, but he has to keep going back to America to do fund-raising tours (which he hates). He's working mostly with coastal tribes, but then one day in Borneo he is kidnapped by men from a more inland tribe; and while tending the chief's wife in their village, he meets a strange blue-eyed native - the Watchman for the tribe. This world has been well and lovingly developed. In true AU style, use is made of a lot of the characters from canon, and they're all totally recognizable in their new roles. The OCs are believable and blend in nicely. There are misunderstandings, some outright lies, reconciliations - everything that makes for a great story.[3]


  1. ^ Litgal's Recs
  2. ^ 2010 Rec 50
  3. ^ 2012 comments at Crack Van