PSST! Patrick Stewart & Star Trek

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You may also be looking for Psst... Hey Kid, Wanna Buy a Fanzine?, a reviewzine, or the convention PSST Con.

Title: PSST! Patrick Stewart & Star Trek
Publisher: Renee Levy
Editor(s): agented by Bill Hupe
Type: fancomic
Date(s): December 1995
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TNG
Language: English
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PSST! Patrick Stewart & Star Trek is a 201-page gen collection of cartoons by Renee Levy.

From the Preface

I like Patrick Stewart. I have the feeling you may have guessed that by looking at this publication! He's a very talented actor and although I've never talked to him personally, I'm convinced he's also a warm and caring person. He's not bad-looking either. Maybe these are some of the reasons that have inspired me to do so many drawings about him.

A couple of years after the beginning of Star Trek: The Next Generation, I discovered The Stargazer, a magazine edited by Kate Maynard and dedicated to the career of Patrick Stewart. It had cartoons in it! I immediately decided I wanted to be part of it. By publishing my caricatures, Kate encouraged me to draw more, and I'm very grateful to her.

Soon after, I was introduced to the hilarious and outrageous world of The Picardian, a newsletter designed to let us laugh at ourselves and our obsession with Mr. Stewart. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to express my sillier side and have a great deal of fun! Moreover, the reader's comments in the monthly Picardian provided me with regular and quick feedback on my work. I'll always be thankful to Marilyn Wilkerson, the editor.

Many of the drawings in PSST - Patrick Stewart and Star Trek have been published in The Stargazer and The Picardian during the past five years. The others have never appeared anywhere. I hope you'll enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed doing them!

All my cartoons are intended to entertain; never to hurt or demean anyone. If some of them have a satirical or bitter twist, it serves to ridicule my own obsession and to camouflage an emotional edge. Humor is what I aim for and if this album makes you smile, then the bratty little kid in me that never grew up will have a good reason to carry on cartooning.


  • Preface (2)
  • Captain Picard (2)
  • Picard and Crusher (The PC) (83)
  • The Duck (110)
  • Patrick Stewart and Friends (139)

Sample Interior