November Sunshine

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: November Sunshine
Author(s): Kitty Berman
Date(s): 1996
Length: 43 fanzine pages
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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November Sunshine is a Kirk/Spock story by Kitty Berman.

Chris Soto for "November Sunshine"
first page of "November Sunshine"

It was published in the print zine First Time #44 (12/1996).


"After getting the Enterprise back, Kirk learns just how badly he and Spock were taken in when Kirk, confessing his loneliness and depression while Spock was gone, is told by Spock what Lori Ciani told him that made him leave."

Reactions and Reviews

Very good beginning when we find Kirk practically on the eve of his impending wedding to Lori and he gets drunk realizing his mistake at marrying her since all he can think about is Spock. This is the kind of scenario that I appreciate—one where Kirk might have married some woman, but he always knows he should be with Spock. Flash forward to the marriage is over (whew! Thank goodness!) and Kirk has a date with Spock. They take a walk in a park after dinner with clever descriptions like: "...anti-grav glow-lamps which floated in the trees and above the still blooming shrubbery." It starts to rain and Kirk runs ahead while Spock watches his butt! So cute! I understood Spock not wanting to pry when he realizes Kirk is depressed about something, but to think that just talking about his feelings is "completely against the ethics of his race" is carrying it a bit too far. After all, Spock is just talking to Kirk, not mind melding. I really enjoyed Spock revealing that Lori had told him that Kirk felt responsible for Spock. Too responsible. And naturally Kirk has loved him all along. Some lovely feelings expressed— " 'I believe sunshine in November is quite rare for this area.' 'Not as rare as love, Spock.' " [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #1 (09/1996)