Nom de Guerre

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Nom de Guerre
Author(s): Taleya
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Nom de Guerre is a Sentinel story by Taleya.

It is gen, though there may possibly be a "slash chapter" out there.

Author's Notes

"During the Second World War, OSS officer James Ellison is airdropped to make contact with a group of Maquis fighters in occupied France.

WARNINGS: This is not a nice story. It contains the death of canonical characters. It contains torture, rape, and the indomitable power of love and simple humanity. Occupied France during World War Two was not a nice place. Forget Hogan's Heroes, forget Dad's Army and ignore 'Allo 'Allo. They are all bullshit. The real world during those times was full of death and suffering and the greatest evil ever produced by mankind. It was also the place of unbelievable acts of courage and humanity. Although I took liberty with the characters, the places in this story actually happened. In Vercors, 21 July 1944, 500 Maquis were massacred when a German plane took the place of expected Allied supplies. Between that day and the 31 of July, the SS systematically burned and murdered everything in the area, resistance and civilian. And yet, you never find it listed in a book of war.

Dedicated to the men and women of the French resistance, from those who actively participated in the FFI, to the families that took in Jewish children and adopted them as their own. Their story goes largely unsung, but they still remain heroes of the war."

From an Interview

From Cascade Library Interview with Taleya: favourites [of fics I've written]...I may get smacked, but they're mostly slash! Silent seduction series - The Debt and Night Train were *fun*, I always enjoy re-reading Flip Side of the Coin, but the absolute BEST ones I have ever written, in my opnion, are the original slash Nom de Guerre and the Two Worlds trilogy (which I co-wrote with Texas Ranger, is slash and is going to be 'zined).

Reactions and Reviews

Y'all may have noticed that I haven't been reccing Jim/Blair slash this month. There's a lot about TS slash that bothers me, and this story has it all.

And you know what? All the reasons I usually don't like TS slash, they make this story even better.

The basic premise is, Jim's a U.S. officer airdropped into NAZI-occupied France to make contact with Maquis fighters; you can guess what Blair is. There's angst, there's suspense, there's sex...[1]

AUish, they're in WWII and Blair is a saucy (only, not so) little Frenchman.[2]
