Night Blake, Day Blake

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Title: Night Blake, Day Blake
Author(s): Amethyst Lane
Date(s): 2002
Genre: slash
Fandom: Blake's 7
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Night Blake, Day Blake is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Amethyst Lane.

It has a sequel called Persuasion.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #7.

Reactions and Reviews

PGP: variant on the "Blake and Avon go to odd planet with strange rituals". But this one has them in spades; everyone has to be young and attractive, which means hair dye and diets, they also go in for tattoos and piercings and weird clobber. This felt like a PWP with a lot of plot attached, it's just all unnecessary. A long way through, Blake says "what a waste this trip has been" and you'd have to agree. Also Avon sounds a bit transatlantic sometimes which is a turn-off for some, if not for others.[1]

(Avon and Blake have to prepare for a mission to a hedonistic planet) I decided not to finish this one after about twenty pages of discussion re- Blake's weight and age... It's funny for a while, but then it just gets dull. Also, do we really not have anything better for the president and the chief advisor of whatever the Federation is now called to do? Surely, even if we accept that Blake is the right person to go on this mission (which I don't), we cannot accept that Avon is the right person to be his personal trainer. He has an actual official position in the government. He must be needed elsewhere, particularly if President Blake is spending all his time in the gym.[2]
