Molly Hooper/Irene Adler

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Pairing: Molly Hooper/Irene Adler
Alternative name(s): Molrene, Hadler
Gender category: femslash
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Rare
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Molly/Irene is the pairing between Molly Hooper and Irene Adler from the BBC TV series Sherlock. The most prevalent portmanteau of this couple is Molrene.



While Molly/Irene is a relatively popular femslash pairing in the Sherlock fandom, femslash is still much rarer compared to het or slash. It is not uncommon for them to appear as a side pairing in Sherlock/John fanworks. Like much of the fandom, Molly and Irene fans primarily congregate on Tumblr. In 2012, fuckyeahmollyirene held "Molly/Irene Week". Each day, fans were prompted to post thoughts on the pairing.

Common Fiction Tropes

  • "Swaplock" is an AU genre born within Sherlock/Molly fandom. These fan depictions feature Sherlock and Molly in each other's roles, with Sherlock a shy pathologist and Molly a genius consulting detective. Irene Adler often takes the Moriarty role, while some introduce a femslash element having her remain in her original role.


Fan Fiction



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