Lesbian Chic

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Lesbian Chic
Author(s): Fluterbev
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Lesbian Chic is a Jim/Blair story by Fluterbev.

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You might be wondering why a male/male slash story has a title like "Lesbian Chic." Well, that's a funny story ... Fluterbev has a way of taking some of the fun conventions of "getting them together" and making the whole thing work in a new way. Here you have Jim and Blair out in a newly-opened gay bar showing their support for the owner (a friend of Blair's), but of course, they're not a couple. Nor are the two lovely women kissing at the bar - Blair knows they're straight. He knows them. And thus ensues a "friendly" bet where Blair attempts to persuade Jim that yes, two straight friends can kiss like THAT and have it be strictly platonic. Yup. You see exactly where this is going? But even if you know where it's going, getting there is 99% of the fun. Definitely worth the ride.[1]

Summary: Blair has suggested going to a new gay bar for the grand opening on Halloween. Blair’s a little surprised that Jim agrees to go, although not in costume. Ever the anthropologist (and voyeur), Blair’s attention is drawn to two women who are making out enthusiastically. He realizes he knows them; they are best friends and TAs at Rainier. He insists to Jim that these women are straight and just putting on a show.

Jim thinks Blair is full of BS, and the argument progresses into a bet and then into a kiss.

Reccer’s Notes: I think Blair and Jim owe those women big time. Enjoy.[2]


  1. ^ 2006 comments at Crack Van
  2. ^ rec by Magician at fancake, April 20, 2014