Kid A

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Title: Kid A
Author(s): Speranza
Date(s): 2006
Length: Words:7988
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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Kid A is a McShep story by Speranza.


It was podficced by Dodificus.

DVD Commentary

A fan's 2007 DVD commentary is here.

Reactions and Reviews

Super, super hot, and full of really lovely angsty John. I’m a sucker for fics that really get into John, and Speranza is one of the authors who can write him absolutely perfectly. John trying to figure out how he wants his life to be, and how he sees himself, is dead-on. Amazingly satisfying. [1]

So elsewhere I was reccing cesperanza's Kid A to someone and it got me thinking. I suspect everyone in fandom has read it, but if not, this post contains spoilers for it.

See, there's this type of fic I really like where John thinks that what he and Rodney have going is just sex and that they're fuck buddies and he's NOT gay, while for Rodney it's love and he's willing to pretend that they're just fuck buddies if that's what it takes to sleep with, and usually more importantly, spend time away from work with John. Inevitably it turns out that it's really not the gay so much--because John's usually a respressed bisexual at the very least--as it is John's commitment phobia and his inability to even recognize let alone actually articulate his emotions.

In the hands of a bad writer this scenario is probably unbearably dismal, but when someone good tackles it and the characters feel true, It gets into my chest and just yanks. [2]

Such a BEAUTIFUL fic focusing on John's insecurities in his relationship with Rodney. I love the flow of her writing so much and this particular fic, despite the title, has nothing to do with kids and all to do with John coming to terms with what he has with Rodney.[3]
