Hex On, Hex Off! - Draco Malfoy and the Karate Kid.

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Title: Hex On, Hex Off! - Draco Malfoy and the Karate Kid. (the title on the essay page index: here.
Date(s): September 12, 2004
Fandom: Harry Potter
External Links: Hex on, hex off!
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Hex On, Hex Off! - Draco Malfoy and the Karate Kid. is a 2004 Harry Potter, Harry/Draco essay by Aja.

The topic: Harry Potter as compared to The Karate Kid.

It is part of a 2002-04 series of essays. See About Writing.


The longer I stay in the fandom the harder it gets for me, personally, to write H/D because I keep feeling like I have to constantly be better or improve or go different places or whatever, and it's really nice to be reminded that although my ability to write the pairing may waver, my love for it hasn't. It's been so interesting reading everyone's thoughts on that thread. Dorrie was commenting somewhere that Draco in canon is an untested child, that he's never known real darkness, so how can we say he is dark? And, for some reason, this made me think of The Karate Kid.

I'm dedicating this post to Reena, by the way, because it seems like the kind of post she would make. And I thought it would be like 3 times shorter than it is, but since this is me, of course it isn't.

See, I saw the Karate Kid the other day (I was watching network television, please don't tell), right. And it's the first time I've seen this movie since like 1989, I shit you not. I had been wanting to see it for ages because, you know, it's the Karate Kid and I had forgotten why all the famous jokes from it were funny. So I'm watching it the other day and somehow when Dorrie said that about Draco it made me think of that other kid, the blond bully from the Karate Kid, haha. And then I thought, dude! Harry is totally Ralph Macchio!

Well, he is. Come on. He moves to a different school, goes where he's constantly bullied and picked on by the Mean Kids or the Evil Potions Teacher or the DADA Prof Who Wants To Kill Him--and the thing we love about Ralph Macchio in this movie is totally that he just keeps getting right back up again. That's totally Harry. Lock him in a closet, knock him off his broom, portkey him away to a cemetery and (oh, and by the way, I've always wanted to mention this. When they're in that cemetery and Cedric's ghost is like, "Psst, Harry, make sure you bring my body back to my folks," does anybody else besides me think this is just a little bit SELFISH a demand to make on somebody who has enough to worry about with being faced with 20-to-1 odds and not knowing whether he's going to make it out of there alive or not? I'd be like "Shut the hell up, ghost, I'm Prioring here!" but no, Harry's like, "OKAY!" *BEATS VOLDIE* *GRABS CORPSE*. Damn, even the dead make demands on the kid.) and he just keeps on persisting. This kid can't get knocked down for standing up. You just have to love him.
