Heroes (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Heroes
Author(s): Yvonne McCool
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Heroes (series) here

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Heroes is a Jim/Blair story by Yvonne McCool.


    1. A Gathering of Heroes
    2. Desert Chic
    3. The Corvair
    4. A Private Little War
    5. United We Stand
    6. Battle Cry
    7. Prism
    8. Regalia
    9. The Cup
    10. Ultimate Warrior
    11. Without Mercy
    12. Reunion
    13. Instinct
    14. Survival
    15. Drug Lord
    16. The Wrong Way
    17. Candle Wax
    18. Storytellers

Reactions and Reviews

This futuristic series is one of my favorite AUs of all times. Yvonne includes pretty much the entire TS cast and creates original characters that you care about. It's a wonderfully imaginative universe with plenty of adventure, danger and emotional turmoil for our heroes to overcome—plus a strong dose of sensuality to keep things really interesting. A rip roaring good time! [1]

This is a future fic set far, far into the future and it's our guys, but not. YS McCool creates a wonderful universe with familiar characters and some original ones that engage and intrigue, but I'd recommend this series just for the action figures alone. If I ever win the lottery, I'm having a set made. [2]
