Flyboy Fanfic

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Title: Flyboy Fanfic
Author(s): Biblio
Date(s): 2001
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
External Links: online here

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Flyboy Fanfic is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel story by Biblio.

Reactions and Reviews

Warning: I couldn't put it better than Biblio did in her header when she posted the story announcement of this on the lists. "Sentinel fans of a sensitive disposition *SO* should not read this story." I'm a fan of the Sentinel and it's fanfic, but I totally agree with all she said in regards to it, so I didn't have a problem with it.... Also, check out the picture of the guys on her page. You gotta love that, whew. Sexy! Wonder where she got those. This story is hilarious first of all. I've got to say that right out of the starting gate. I was LMAO through out it. I just love the way Jack and Daniel are in this story. I was talking to someone in e-mails recently and we were both lamenting on the amount of fiction out there that just has a guy acting so feminine or like they are about 10 years old. If you've read my bitch fest or some of my articles, you know my feelings on the subject. We were talking about how so many slash stories have Daniel acting like some clumsy, helpless, fop who has the emotional stability of a manic depressive. First off, Daniel is grown man not a child. Secondly, Daniel always acts in nothing, but a professional manner. He is an intelligent grown-up, acts as nothing but. Why so many writers tend to play up to characterizing him as a pouty child I will never know. The same thing tends to happen in the Sentinel fandom. It's poor little Blair and Big Bad Jim. In Stargate it's poor little Daniel and Big Bad Jack. Well, that ain't how it happens on the show. Daniel is a very strong person, he states his opinion very loudly and despite Jack's warnings to shut up. If he feels he's right about something he will follow through until Jack and everybody else usually owe him a big apology, because he was absolutely right. This story, in a non-offensive way, brings light to those cliche' and makes fun of them. It sort of breaks the characters out of those molds. Daniel and Jack are both just as strong in this fic as they are on screen. Neither let's the other have any slack and they both know how to wrap the other around their finger, so that everyone gets their own way. Pretty much how it is on the show. I just loved how biblio takes on this topic and brings it to light in a humerous way. Some Sentinel fans may not like it, but I like I said I love the show and the fanfic and I wasn't offended. I'm a realist. I may love a tv show, but that doesn't mean I don't know when it has problems. I'm not blind to them. I love the X-files, but that show has plot holes in that mytharc shit that are a mile wide. I won't go into that though. I think complaining about one or two fandoms at a time is really the most anyone should do in one conversation. Go on and read the fic, if your a Sentinel fan you'll know what she is talking about when it comes to the fic. If not, don't worry all of it isn't like that, so don't let that shy you away from it. There are some great Sentinel authors out there. Anybody, snarks at her though, you answer to me, you here. I'm not nice fucking remember that.<nasty grin>[1]

Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs

While angsty J/D is good, sometimes, it is feel good and really funny J/D that is needed. The comments that Jack got on his fic were hilarious along with the fact that well...*coughscoughs* certain some people are also slash fans on the base. Funny as hell, written well and long. Did I mention long? Good characterisation, Jack and Daniel being so them and so male in their interactions with each other. No wimpy Daniel here. No siree. ^_^[2]


  1. ^ "Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs". 2002-07-27. Archived from the original on 2022-04-19.
  2. ^ "Rec #2 - Stargate". Archived from the original on 2023-02-20.