Fanfic Recommendations by the Weird Sisters

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Recommendation Website
Name: Fanfic Recommendations by the Weird Sisters
Reccer(s): Bamfer and SlyLurker
Dates: 1999 - 2005?
Focus: fanfiction, slash
Fandom: Angel the Series, Babylon 5, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Highlander, La Femme Nikita, Star Wars TPM, X-Men
URL: (Wayback link)
Highlander recs

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Fanfic Recommendations by the Weird Sisters was a fanfic recommendation page. It was a member of the Slash Recommendations webring.

Who are the Weird Sisters?

We're Bamfer and SlyLurker, and we thought it might be fun to start a recommendations page. We are both fan fiction writers, although Sly has written far more than me, and we are also at times voracious readers of fan fiction. Incidentally, yes, we really are sisters, and we are definitely weird.

From what fandom(s) will the story recommendations be for? Currently the primary fandoms the two of us will be recommending stories for are Angel, Buffy, Highlander: The Series, and The Pretender. However, we will not limit ourselves to only those fandoms.

How often will the recommendations page be updated? Lately we've been averaging updating the page about once a month, but there was a shameful period where no new recs were posted for over a year.

How will this recommendations page be different from anyone else's? I guess this really remains to be seen. Initially our aim will be to try to recommend some good stories that might not have been mentioned on other recommendations pages, or stories that are bit off the beaten track; stories that for one reason or another, might have been overlooked. However, some stories are just so good they deserve to be on everyone's rec pages, and inevitably some of these will be recommended here too.

This page will also be a true multi-media recommendations page. This has it's advantages and disadvantages, in that some people will only be interested in just a very few fandoms, and hence would prefer to visit rec pages for those particular fandoms. Perhaps over time, if people visiting this page like and trust our recommendations, they might be tempted to interest themselves in other fandoms (a hoped for cross-pollination effect).

Why are some of the stories not linked directly? Some archives forbid linking to stories in their archives (X-Files Gossamer site is an example of a site that forbids linking to the stories directly). If we're not sure or it's not allowed, we can only put a link to the main archive, and you have to hunt up the story on your own. Hopefully with the title and author which we provide, it shouldn't be too much of a chore.

In other cases we do not want to bypass the authors disclaimers and warnings pages.


What type of stories will be recommended?

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Some of the stories we recommend will contain any or all of the following potentially objectionable material: slash, adult content (meaning explicit sex or other themes inappropriate for those under the age of majority), and extreme violence. We'll include a rating and some sort of content warning on the stories we recommend, but remember, ratings are always judgement calls![1]


  1. ^ Weird Sisters Factoids, 15 September 2002 (Accessed 18 May 2020)