Echoes of Elfland Horns (Professionals trilogy)

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Title: Echoes of Elfland Horns Trilogy
Publisher: Nut Hatch Collective
Author(s): Wally
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1990s
Series?: yes
Medium: print
Fandom: The Professionals
Language: English
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Echoes of Elfland Horns Trilogy is a slash Professionals series by Wally. It was published as a 300-page zine.


From a Nuthatch flyer:

Part One: Echoes of Elfland Horns

Bodie wakes from sleep to find himself in "a different earth." This certainly isn't the world he's accustomed to, but a mediaeval place where humans and tall elves live in uneasy semi-harmony, according to other customs, other laws. And here is Doyle ... not human, yes; royalty, yes; and under the shadow of the death penalty for a heinous crime of which he is innocent ... Bodie's self-appointed task is to prove him innocent, for he soon falls in love with Doyle. However, they both know that the stranger cannot belong in this strange land — he must leave. But the end comes more abruptly than they might have thought, when some force neither understands simply snatches Bodie out of this world. The plot is set to become curiouser still, because when Bodie wakes, it's to find that he possesses a man's silver chain...! Keep reading...

Part Two: Sparrow Through the Hall

And now Doyle wakes from sleep, and he also finds himself in "a different earth," certainly not the world he's accustomed to ... and not a pleasant world, either. He's human, yes; he recalls being a policeman, just as Bodie recalled being a soldier ... but in this gods-forsaken place there is war on the borderlands between two neighoring states, and prisoners or war are ensalved. Here is Bodie, POW a chattel, with one thought in his mind: to get home, aross the border. It's Doyle's self-appointed task to get him there, and subsequently he discovers just who, and what Bodie is ... before that force neither of them understands snatches the stranger out of this strange land, leaving Doyle alone. He's a policeman again, in the world he knows ... but something isn't the same, and the plot is about to thiken with a vengeance!

Part Three: No Vanity

Here is CI5 ... but not quite the CI5 we know. Cowley is running a top-level research project that pivots around Bodie and Doyle, but principally around Bodie, who's been a mercenary, a prisoner in a camp in Africa. Bodie may never know who it was who paid to get him out of that camp, but even Cowley's best-laid plans sometimes go awry. An CI5's research project is severely jeopardized when someone within the organization betrays them. There's trouble in the Mid-East, and Bodie gives the slip to surveillance he had not even known was there. Before CI5 can catch up with him again, he's back on English soil, he's enlisted in the parachute regiment ... but what concerns Cowley most is that he will remember the dream. So will Ray Doyle, who at this time is a cop working under-cover. The betrayal from inside CI5 was calculated, deliberate ... an agent's wife has been murdered,replaced by a mechanism ... and now, both Doyle and Bodie are in England, and Cowley's project is about to shift into high gear.

The whole trilogy is around 300pp, and you may choose between perfect bound (glued spine), and "braid bound," which is more durable. If you have reason to believe your zine will be read more than eight or ten times, "braid bound" is the way to go ... We can't get the big 18mm and 20mm coils for love or money! So we improvise. Here is more info on binding methods. [1]
