Don't Pay the Ferryman

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Title: Don't Pay the Ferryman
Author(s): maygra
Date(s): December 2005
Length: 49,013 words
Fandom: Supernatural
External Links: Don't Pay The Ferryman - Maygra - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own, Archived version

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Don't Pay the Ferryman is a Supernatural fanfiction story by Maygra de Rhema, written in 2005.

Summary: "In the beginning, there was a shadow that fell... An early fandom tale trying to explore what the whole reason for being was for all Winchesters. Early seasons only."

In 2007, Morgan Dawn created a 6x9 trade size paperback version of the story as part of the Sweet Charity auction. A copy was also gifted to the author. It contained 147 pages

Manuscript & cover design by Morgan Dawn. Front cover photograph by Maygra. Back cover photograph by  Milosav Druckmuller (Brno University of  Technology)


This is so fantastic in terms of substance. A typical case turns into something much more personal. Maygra makes liberal use of mythology and an original character to explain the tragedy of the boys losing their mother in childhood.[1]

A completely absorbing read that takes the themes of sacrifice and soul debts one step further, and enriches the mythology in a way that feels completely organic to the show.[2]

Wow! I just don't have the words to describe how much I loved this. You have such a way with painting those really complex, deep pictures that one can look at once and think they've seen it all, only to take another look and see everything in a whole different light. That is true talent. And this line: 'Which is to say, that in the Kingdom of Hearts and Souls all things are possible, and if you can't have happily ever after, sometimes you can have Happily, and sometimes you can have Ever, and sometimes you can have After.' it totally undid me, to tears. I think you got it just right. Wonderful job![3]

I don't know whether to weep or applaud or start from the beginning and relive the whole thing. Incredible, amazing and something to behold. Beautifully done.[4]

Fascinating, mysterious, deeply moving, and challenging enough I'll need to read this at least another time to "get" it all. And even then I imagine I'll have missed things...[5]
