Daily Deviant

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Journal Community
Name: Daily Deviant
Date(s): 14 January 2006 — 1 May 2021
Moderator: kabal42, ragdoll, twilightsorcery, r_grayjoy
Founder: snapelike
Type: adult fanfiction and fanart
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: at Dreamwidth (active)
at InsaneJournal (abandoned)
at LiveJournal (purged)

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Daily Deviant is a Harry Potter community for adult-rated fanfiction and fanart.

Daily Deviant is an invitation-only community that has been active in the Harry Potter fandom for more than five years. We use fanfiction and fanart as a means of exploring a diverse array of sexual themes. Members post on specific assigned dates in order to spread out their works through the month, every month, all year 'round.

The community was initially publicly viewable, with posting being invitation-only and limited to community members. Since August 2007, however, the livejournal community has been locked to members only and applicants must provide an age statement to be approved.[1] The post announcing the lock-down states:

...by requesting membership in this community, you agree that if you see a story or piece or art that you don't like, you will not run to LJ Abuse and report it. If you do, may the fire of a thousand hells rain down upon you. We are an adults-only community that deals in fiction. No real persons have been harmed in the creation of our fic and art, and if you believe otherwise, you do not belong here.[1]

Later there was a mass exodus that culminated in the purge of the LJ account, in the migration to the IJ which was then abandoned in 2020, for another migration to occur, this time the new home was the Dreamwidth site where the community seems to remain active for the time being - albeit slowly due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As of December 2019, Daily Deviant will be active solely on DreamWidth. The community began on LiveJournal in March 2006, then moved to InsaneJournal in 2007 after the events of Strikethrough. The comm here on InsaneJournal will not be deleted and will continue to exist as an archive of thirteen and a half years of our fandom history. However, to continue enjoying new fic and art, go to Daily Deviant on DreamWidth.

Membership is open only to users who are invited posting members of Daily Deviant. Everyone else can follow the kinky fics and art by becoming a watcher (i.e. adding Daily Deviant to your friends list). Nothing here will be locked, so there's no need to join to see the content.

Warning: This journal is NC-17 and contains explicit sexual content. If you are not at least 18 years of age, you shouldn't be here. If it is illegal for you to view or read the content herein due to the laws of your country of residence, you shouldn't be here either. Please be responsible and find something else to read.

The artwork and stories in this journal are entirely fictional and do not portray any real people, creatures, or actions. No characters were harmed in the creation of this filth. Maintainers and members of this community do not in any way condone, participate in, or solicit illegal, violent, or non-consensual sexual behaviour.

Daily Deviant Profile


Wank & Controversy

On July 30, 2007, zvi-likes-tv made a livejournal post entitled Dog Whistles and Insults about an email exchange she had with the mods of daily_deviant two days before. She explained, "The mods post themes each month from an encyclopedia of sexual terms. One of the terms used this month was miscegenation which they defined as Sex or marriage between two people (or magical creatures) of different races." When zvi emailed the mods to tell them it was a racist term and ask them to change it, they initially refused. zvi then posted her email correspondence with them. The mods then posted an open letter in daily_deviant stating "our community and its members have been defamed today" and that they did not think the word miscegenation was offensive: Admin Post, 31st-Jul-2007 02:38 am. zvi updated her post accordingly and noted that she had been informed that the community members were discussing the issue in locked posts. 12 hours later, the mods reversed their decision and posted Admin Post, 31st-Jul-2007 02:53 pm. This second post had 699 comments.

Many livejournal posts discussing the incident were linked from metafandom on July 31, August 1, August 2, and August 3. Incidentally, Boldthrough started in the middle of the racism discussion, and there were some very long link roundups before boldthrough won out as LJ's favorite discussion topic. Liviapenn also posted a link roundup, Have a nice day and fuck you very much.

A week later, the comm became locked.


  1. ^ a b (Admin) Locking up DD (accessed 28 October 2012)