Chronicle X Interview with Rachel Anton

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Chronicle X Interview with Rachel Anton
Interviewer: uncredited
Interviewee: Rachel Anton
Date(s): December 1999
Medium: online
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: Interview with Rachel Anton (Chronicle X); copy
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Chronicle X Interview with Rachel Anton was conducted in 1999 by the Chronicle X archive.

Some Excerpts

When I was in junior high my best friend and I wrote a 300 or so page (in longhand) story using characters from Dynasty, members of Depeche Mode, INXS, and Duran Duran, and two decidedly Mary Sue-like female characters. It had a Real World-esque plot- group of 20-something strangers forced to live together in some sort of experimental setting- before there was such a thing as "The Real World", and it was most definitely cross-over fanfic before I knew there was a word for it. And yes, there was smut in this epic. God only knows how embarassed I'd be if I read those scenes today. Until I started writing X-Files fic about 2 1/2 years ago, that was my only attempt at creative writing.

Mulder and Scully put the fun in disfunction, and I love them for it. The Mulder/Scully dynamic is the reason I really became addicted to the show. I think it's so rare to find that kind of chemistry on television. And the fact that the sexual tension comes, for the most part, out of trust and friendship rather than petty bickering makes it even more unique. I had some problems with the way the dynamic was handled in season six, but I still think it's one of the most amazing relationships depicted on television.

I like to write different pairings for different reasons. Mulder/Scully is great because there is so much material from the show to work with. There are so many layers to their relationship and so much history there. It's really fun to write about and also challenging to try to come up with a new take on the relationship. There is so much MSR out there and so much of it is so much alike which is, I think, why I started to burn out on it for awhile in terms of writing as well as reading. But I've got a couple of ideas floating around in my head that I think are at least moderately unique and interesting and hopefully they will make it to paper soon.

Krycek/Scully, on the other hand, is great because there is NOTHING to work with. It's like starting from scratch almost. Sometimes it's fun to stray wildly away from canon. It really stretches my creativity and makes me much more careful and attentive to detail because I've got such a peculiar premise to start with. I've got more of a challenge to hook people and make them believe than with an MSR. People say, "Well, Scully would never do that" and they're probably right. She probably never would and that's probably a very good thing. But what I'm interested in when I write a Krycek/Scully is, what if she did? What in the world would that be like? It's a really interesting question for me for some reason. To try to create a situation where Scully/Krycek is remotely plausible and both characters remain true to themselves is really exciting from a creative standpoint.