Chocolate Hurricane

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Title: Chocolate Hurricane
Author(s): Cicirossi also known as Cici
Date(s): 2002 or earlier
Length: ~33,000 words
Genre(s): slash, NC-17
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Chocolate Hurricane (archived link), Chocolate Hurricane (archived link)

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Chocolate Hurricane is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic by Cicirossi pairing Spike/Xander. The story was told in 39 short parts, posted on Cici's personal site Xanderdreams and Spikemares. The original summary stated, "Xander has an unforeseen reaction to his favorite chocolate".

This is a Magic Made Them Do It story that features dubcon and noncon elements.

Reviews and Reception

Xander gets Chocolate Hurricane bars as a surprise gift in the mail. It's Sunnyhell. Chocolate gifts are never innocent. And neither is what Xander does to Spike after Xander eats a bar. It's a good thing Spike's a vampire, because it takes a while for the other Scoobies to track down the problem and someone has to deal with the results of Xander's magical addiction.


This is one of the best premises ever written in Buffy-‘verse. And it’s remarkably well-executed at that. Cicirossi does a great job of cutting the humor with the suspense. And cutting the suspense with the sex. And the sex. And, you guessed it, the sex. The characterizations are quite good in this. Both Xander and Spike are in character more often than they’re out of it. And the ‘big bad’ is unexpected and fairly satisfying. All in all a very fun read with a dark twist or two along the way.



  1. ^ Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel the Series Recs, posted Nov 20, 2008. Accessed May 16, 2024
  2. ^ Chocolate Hurricane by cicirossi (NC-17) a recommendation posted at epic_recs, Aug 10 2011. Accessed May 16, 2024