Category talk:Supernatural Challenges

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How do I...

Hi! I have a spreadsheet with basic info about a couple hundred challenges in Supernatural fandom, and someone suggested Fanlore would be a good place for this data. I'm already trying to input some (as I have time) into supernaturalwiki; but I'm not at all experienced at making wiki pages. Is anybody interested in helping me figure out the best formatting, etc? Is it bad etiquette to create basically the same pages for two different wikis? Existing precedent here seems like a separate page for each round; but carried to extremes, that would be at least a thousand new pages for what I've got, so maybe pages for a handful of the biggest challenges and pages for different types of challenge that talk about the smaller ones?--Alyndra (talk) 00:11, 8 December 2018 (UTC)

One possibility is to make a list article, like this or this, these are probably the easiest. Although, you could make tables which requires a little more formatting. -- Kingstoken (talk) 00:18, 08 December 2018 (UTC)
Oh, the lists look more doable! I tried to play around with a table a while ago and got discouraged I couldn't make it work. Here's my spreadsheet (so far lol) and here's the page I did for Superwiki already, if you want to look. --Alyndra (talk) 00:33, 8 December 2018 (UTC)
What a good idea to put the Supernatural challenges on Fanlore. You've already done a fabulous amount of research. I'd be happy to assist in helping make rudimentary pages for them after a list article is created if that would be helpful. :-) --MPH (talk) 13:35, 8 December 2018 (UTC)