Bygones: Lifeline Canada

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Title: Bygones: Lifeline Canada
Publisher: Requiem Publications
Author(s): Grey
Cover Artist(s): Shar
Illustrator(s): there is no interior art
Date(s): September 2005
Medium: fanzine, print
Fandom: Due South
Language: English
External Links: Lifeline Canada
on AO3
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Bygones: Lifeline Canada is the third in a series of four slash Due South novels written by Grey. It 166 pages and focuses on the Fraser/Kowalski relationship.

The cover is by Shar.


The Author Comments on "The Trilogy"

From the zine:

BYGONES was supposed to be a trilogy, but this last book just wouldn't stop going. So, instead, it's going to be a four book series. At least I'm hoping it'll stop at four. I'm not making any promises.

If you haven't read the other books, you might be a little lost because they all work together to tell a story. BYGONES is an AU at this point, with Fraser and Ray moving to Canada and making a new life together despite past and ongoing traumas.

I want to thank Bast for being so understanding when my deadline came and went and there was no finished story. There are a lot of editors who might have sent me packing, but she's always been extremely supportive and is a true friend.

Happy reading. I'll try really hard not to take another year to write the next one.


Ben takes Ray to Canada to protect him from O'Malley, a Chicago mobster. They begin to strengthen their relationship and build a new life in Yellowknife only to have it disrupted by a figure from Ben's past.


"Uncomfortable with that steely gaze, Ray stared down at his lap. The words formed on his lips, his fear knotting his stomach as he spoke softly. "I just think your life would be easier sometimes if you were with somebody like him instead of me, that's all."

Taking one long, exasperated breath, Ben made his case. "Good God, Ray, do you really think I care about easy? Do you really think that I'd prefer to be with someone like Alan, a married man whom I only see as a friend? What kind of life would that be? Do you really think that's what I want instead of being with the man I love with all my heart? Is that the way you see me, someone who would opt for the easy life rather than one that's worth fighting for?"

"Well, when you put it that way, maybe not." Ray cocked his head and met Ben's gaze again, more relieved than he cared to admit. "With all your heart, huh?"

"With every fiber of my being. What do I have to do to make you truly believe that?"

Not for the first time, Ray saw a flicker of desperation in his lover's eyes. He hated putting it there, hated that he caused Ben to feel so on edge, so defensive. He reached over and took Ben's hand in his own, needing to explain the best he could. "I believe it, I do. It's just sometimes my mind goes a little off the deep end, does a little 'fuck me, I'm crazy' before I can stop it, you know? It's not you, Ben. It's me."

"But what you think and do affects me, Ray. When you have doubts about me, about my love and intentions, about us, it's hurtful."

Ray rubbed his forehead with his right hand but didn't release Ben with his left. "I don't mean to do that. I never want to hurt you. I'd rather poke my own eye out than do that."

"Then stop fretting about Alan and thinking I'd be better off with somebody else. Nothing is further from the truth."


"Yes, Ray."

Nodding in acceptance, suddenly more relaxed and satisfied with Ben's words, Ray patted his lover's face. "I guess we should get back on the road then."

Ben captured the hand at his cheek and kissed the palm, making Ray's heart go all kind of fluttery"

Reactions and Reviews

Bygones by Grey from the due South fandom, F/RK. This might well have made it into the "best in fandom" category. Tense plot (realistically deals with rape and Ray's denial), good technical aspects, good layout, but it really looks like the author just got tired of writing the story. It's like the last chapters are just missing. The story is wrapped up with a few paragraphs when it should've been a few dozen to hundred pages. I really felt cheated by the ending, like I'd missed something important. It's a disappointing zine in that aspect.

[Nov. 2007] I recently went and reread this story and its sequels, which Grey finally finished. While the first story still held up well enough, despite the "hanging" feeling it would've left me with, I wish I'd avoided the sequels. When the author has to deal with a world outside of Ray and Fraser, the writing goes severely downhill. [1]
