Bluffing with the Big Guys

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Bluffing with the Big Guys
Author(s): Alyjude
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: at slashzone, at, at AO3
art for the zine story, by K9

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Bluffing with the Big Guys is a Jim/Blair story by Alyjude.

It was published in Best of Alyjude #1. It was also posted online to 852 Prospect Archive and Artifact Storage Room 3, and later to AO3.

Djapchan podficced the story in 2020.

Reactions and Reviews

I can't even begin to imagine TS without Alyjude. She's one of the short-list of authors whose fic I go back to over and over again. I always come back happy from reading (rereading) one of her stories. (Well, actually, reading one of her fics again always makes me go back and read more of her fics again, so there's no "one of" involved here; I always find myself in the Lay's Potato Chip position. Betcha can't read -- or reread just one... :-))

Aly can pack a hell of a punch with angst (for which I am deeply grateful :-)) but she has no problem at all in making me have fun, either. (And I mean "fun" in the light-hearted sense, not in the sense of "finding angst fun" -- even though I do find angst fun even while it's ripping my heart out of my body and throwing it on the floor and stomping on it. *ahem*)

Bluffing with the Big Guys is FUN. Blair hasn't been hanging out with Jim for very long and is still sort of a mystery to Jim's co-workers. When Jim's about to host poker night at the loft with Blair invited for the first time, Blair realizes that Jim's co-workers (not to mention Jim and Simon) could stand to broaden their horizons a little, at least as far as the "Junior Hippie-Cop Wannabe" is concerned.

Does Blair get upset when he learns this? Does he get ticked off?

Not exactly. He gets creative.

If you haven't yet read this, go and have fun! (And then read more of Aly's fic. :-)) If you have read it -- I promise, it's still as much fun the second -- or twentieth -- time around. :-) [1]
