Better know a fic author: Vaysh

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Better know a fic author: Vaysh
Interviewer: Fanauthor Workshop
Interviewee: Vaysh
Date(s): November 15, 2017
Fandom(s): Lord of the Rings, Captain America
External Links: Fan Author Workshop
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Better know a fic author: Vaysh is a 2017 interview with Vaysh.

It was posted for Fanauthor Workshop.


when did you join fandom, and what were your first experiences with fanfiction?

I joined Lord of the Rings fandom in 2003, when Fellowship came out. I had not heard of slash or fanfiction before, and it was a life-changing revelation. I spent entire months reading Sam/Frodo and LotR fic. It was one of the best times in my life. :) One of my first experiences was contacting a fan author and finding out she lives in Berlin. We’ve become very good RL friends.

what fandom are you in now and what brought you here?

These days, Captain America fandom is my main fandom, and it’s all Chantefable’s fault, who insisted I watch the Winter Soldier. Stucky fulfils all my hurt/comfort needs, and I love the amount of historical stuff that is woven into so much fanfic.

tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m from Berlin, Germany, where I’ve been living and working as an editor and translator for more than 20 years. (I moved to Berlin in 1991, pretty much right after the Wende.) Movies, tv-series, books and creative writing is pretty much my life. I have an M.A. in American History but even for historical research, I used novels and diaries as my source material. I teach creative writing and coach both published and aspiring authors. I’ve co-written professional (het) romances and I wrote four political crime novels as a ghost-writer.