And Learn to Fly

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The Professionals Fanfiction
Title: And Learn to Fly
Author(s): Blackbird
Date(s): 1997
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Professionals
External Links: online here

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And Learn to Fly is a slash Professionals story by Blackbird.

It was published in Guilty Pleasures.


"Doyle has recently come to terms with his sexual preference for men. he's now exploring a newly discovered need for sexual submission. But his anticipation is tempered by the knowledge that he can never attain his ultimate desire: to make love, and submit, to Bodie."

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"And learn to Fly, part 1" by Blackbird.

STORY: Doyle is examining his newfound sexuality, and goes to a leather club where he watches a bondage scene and fantasizes that it's himself and Bodie. When he goes home, Bodie visits and makes him tell him where he's been and about these fantasizes, and promises to help him work things out together.

"And learn to Fly, part 2" by Blackbird

STORY: Bodie has been studying up on bondage and arranges an evening around three presents he has for Doyle, which are used as the scene unfolds: a leather cock ring, a leather jacket, and a paddle.

I couldn't believe that Bodie and Doyle here were serious about this bondage business. They were just so sweet in their dominance and submission that it didn't seem to reach them psychologically. I didn't dislike these stories, but they lacked intensity and substance. Bodie and Doyle were just so superficial in their exploration of bondage.... The results were and not very involving.

On the other hand, I loved the image of Doyle dressed up to go out: "...He had basked in the preparation for this evening... choosing clothes that felt comfortable and complemented his style. The result was skin-tight black leather trousers, black leather boots, and a low-necked sleeveless tee shirt made from sheer white silk. And, of course, the chain and its emblem."

Well, I thought it made a nice picture. [1]


  1. ^ from quoted anonymously, DIAL #3, was also posted to Virgule-L on April 7, 1997