An Interesting Past

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: An Interesting Past
Author(s): Allie Benet Atwater
Date(s): 2009
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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An Interesting Past is a TOS Kirk/Spock story by Allie Benet Atwater.

It was published in the print zine T'hy'la #29.


Kirk is stunned to find out that his lover Spock has had "an interesting past" - and asks for details...


"Kirk squinted and leaned down over Spock to be certain his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. "What the-? Is that woman topless?!" He didn't realize he was crushing Spock against the desk, his nose now almost against the inadequately small viewscreen. "WOW! She's got nice-Hey! You're looking at a half-naked-Who-who-the-hell is she?" The display of luscious feminine charms was certainly an improvement over the deadly-dull quarterly reports he had been expecting. Still, the green-eyed monster had reared his ugly head almost immediately. Spock had only recently revealed-rather vaguely-that he had acquired an interesting 'past' in the last 'year or so' and the intimate pics certainly confirmed it.

"Spock, it's...difficult for me to explain, but I owe you nothing less than the truth." He closed his eyes because it was always easier to confess in the dark. "I just don't seem to be able to step back from this, to see it from a distance. It's like someone is hacking away at…at who and what I am…at what we are to each other. I'd rather die than lose you." He looked up, something akin to fear showing in his changeling eyes. "So why am I behaving like such a damned coward?""

Reactions and Reviews

This prolific author has used dozens of pen names over the years. I’m not sure why, as her style is distinctive and unmistakable. Spock reveals some of his “interesting” past as he tells Kirk about his first sexual experience with a woman, which helped awaken his sexuality. The most interesting part of the story for me was the very end, when we are given a tantalizing glimpse of another liaison, this time with a Deltan couple. This one sounds most intriguing, as apparently Spock was nearly AWOL and had to be rescued, half naked, by Mr. Scott - I hope the author tells this story soon![1]


  1. ^ by Linda B in The K/S Press #158