Alright, in light of the whole ‘coding’ nonsense, what is the wildest “character is X-coded” you’ve seen?

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Title: Alright, in light of the whole ‘coding’ nonsense, what is the wildest “character is X-coded” you’ve seen?
Creator: CristaColliCostae
Date(s): 17 May 2023
Medium: Reddit post to r/FanFiction
Fandom: pan-fandom
Topic: Coding and its off-shoots
External Links: Alright, in light of the whole ‘coding’ nonsense, what is the wildest “character is X-coded” you’ve seen?, Archived version on Reddit
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Alright, in light of the whole ‘coding’ nonsense, what is the wildest “character is X-coded” you’ve seen? is the title of a Reddit thread on r/FanFiction, started by CristaColliCostae. Many fans commented their experiences with the term coding and how its been applied in various fandoms.

Instances Discussed

References/Further Reading