Wind Beneath My Wings (Beauty and the Beast vid)

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Title: Wind Beneath My Wings
Creator: Kim Taylor
Date: 1990
Music: Richard Marx
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)

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Wind Beneath My Wings is a Beauty and the Beast (TV) vid by Kim Taylor to the Richard Marx song of the same name.

It was one of the vids played at the for-profit Creation Con in New York City on November 25, 1990. See more at Beauty and the Beast Creation Cons.

Reactions and Reviews

A few minutes before Mr. Perlman was due to come on stage, Creation presented two music videos put together by Kim Taylor. I'd had the honor of helping to arrange this; the videos are exquisite, matching songs like Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting" and Bette Midler's "Wind Beneath My Wings" to scenes from the show's first two seasons. The single Creation video shown afterwards was nice too, we all agreed later; but Kim excels at pairing what's on the screen to the lyrics. (Note: Those of you who attended the convention and saw Kim's videos, feel free to write to her c/o my address; I'm sure she'll be pleased to hear from you, although I can't guarantee an answer. However, she is NOT presently making copies of the videos for anyone, so please don't ask her.)... As the audience cheered and wept their way to the videos' conclusion, I could only hope that Mr. Perlman, wherever he was waiting, could see them too. (As it turned out, someone came and told Kim that he was watching — from the kitchen.)

He was announced directly afterwards, and arrived onstage plainly overwhelmed. I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me that he might be moved by the videos; after all, I thought, he's seen those scenes. He's been in those scenes. But he was clearly stunned, either by the tribute implied by the videos themselves, or by the audience's reaction to them. [1]

Before Ron came onstage, three very romantic, Vincent and Catherine music videos were presented — "Waiting for You" by Richard Marx & "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler, compiled by Kim Taylor, and "After All" by Peter Cetera & Cher, compiled by a Creation employee — which Ron watched from the back of the room. He then came to the front of the ballroom, dressed completely in black—as he quite often is! [2]


  1. ^ from a much longer con report by Lynette Combs, printed in The Spiral Staircase #3
  2. ^ Tunneltalk v.1 n.9 (1990)