Vicious Wishes' Fandom Corner

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Name: Vicious Wishes' Fandom Corner
Owner/Maintainer: Vicious Wishes (viciouswishes)
Dates: January 23, 2004-September 14, 1010
Fandom: multifandom
URL: Vicious Wishes' Fandom Corner, Archived version
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Vicious Wishes' Fandom Corner contains fanfic, meta, and recs by viciouswishes.


The site houses fanfic by the site owner in these fandoms: Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel: The Series, due South, Firefly, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, House M.D., Marvel Comics, Real Person Fic, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1, Veronica Mars, Big Love, Gilmore Girls, Ice Princess, Lost, Pirates of the Caribbean, Psych, Queer as Folk (US), Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: V, and Weeds.


  • Fandom O' Rama - Keller's Characterization 02/2008. (I like Keller as the woman who's desperately trying to fit in and lies to fit the situation. Or plays what she thinks she wants the people around want her to.)
  • Speaking of questionable bdsm 11/2007, (I tuned in last night largely to watch Claudia Christian, who's still after all these years a tv-girlfriend, and because I'd heard that she was involved as a guest star in a bdsm plotline.)
  • 26 Women I Love vs. 26 Men I Love 09/2007. (Grouped, categorized, and talked about.)
  • IBARW: On Writing Gunn: 10 Reasons Not to Write Him Debunked 08/2007. (When I'm having conversations about writing Gunn, usually with people who love him too but don't write him, here are a few reasons that I've heard people say or imply why they don't write him.)
  • IBARW: Why I Love LeVar 08/2007. (LeVar was my very first crush when I was like 3 or 4.)
  • Starbuck: Making Girls Gay Since 2003 04/2007. (I am fascinated in the trends of favorite characters and the massive followings some garner and others don't. Starbuck is particularly a fascinating one because she is a woman (albeit the original Starbuck was male) and fandom-at-large is widely known to fall head over heals for male characters, e.g. Spike, Logan, etc, not female ones.)
  • fannish5: Name five characters that you identify with the most. 02/2007. (1. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - Tiny blonde girl who kicks ass and who's also kind of a weirdo because she has to be who she is.)
  • 12 Festivus Fannish Grievances (And so I'm a day late, but it's Festivus!) 12/2006. (5. SGA writers, Teyla is awesome. So write some fucking stories about her.)
  • Four Lessons I Learned In Writing 09/2006. (Someone on my flist posted about writing tonight, and I made me think about where I learned to write and how I learned to write.)
  • Community, Identity, and Femslash 08/2006. (During some recent wank, lornelover turned to me and said, "Does anyone identify as a femslasher?" I racked my brain and couldn't find a yes.)
  • My Giant Vagina Hates You 06/2006. (I got my Vagina on sale at Target for $4.99. I also bought toilet paper, cereal, and Pretty in Pink on DVD that day.)
  • The Fannish Manifesto that was eaten by bears. 06/2006. (I find fandom a lot more hilarious than most people probably know. Mostly because that would end in wank.)
  • Slipping the condom on 06/2006. (A discussion which has interested me since I started writing fic is sex safe and the lack of it in fic.)
  • I Write Because I... 05/2006. (When I sit down to write a story, my plotbunnies aren't just things that I don't see on the show, they're also things that I don't see in fanfic.)
  • She Hulk and Date Rape 05/2006. (Date rape is often harder to convict because, like Christina, the victim may have liked/had a crush/gone on a date with her rapist. It is a very common type of rape, is often justified in the victim's mind, and is not talked about in our society.)
  • Woman in the Comic Store 05/2006. (However, I haven't always felt comfortable going into comic shops. I've spent a lot of time and money at my hometown one, but never felt welcomed.)
  • The Sci-Fi Plot 04/2006. (When does the sci-fi plot cease to be the sci-fi plot, but plagiarism?)
  • Dr. Wilson and Projecting: "You’re miserable." 12/2005. (Wilson's job is depressing; his marriage is on the rocks; and his best friend is an ass who's put both their jobs on the rocks.)
  • OMG, Buffy Crazy: The Mad Woman in the Attic Syndrome and Why "Normal Again" Doesn't Fit Buffy's Characterization 07/2005. (What "Normal Again" does is bring in the element that Buffy is not truly in charge of her life. She can't be because she's too mentally deficient to make the proper choices for her welfare.)
  • The Inherent Mary Sue-ness of S5 Fred 09/2004. (Joss has been quoted as saying that Fred is his ideal woman.)
  • *Sigh* Poor Angel. He's Got Braces Like Cuchulainn 02/2004. (Many Celticists argue that the Celtic tales are all about ruin. They are about the downfall of heroes or the fury that destroyed the world.)