User talk:Duelist

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Wow, you've been doing a lot of really awesome work on the wiki -- so um I thought I'd ask if you if you know about the Preview feature? Seems like a number of your edits are a few characters long, so it might benefit you to compose a longer, more comprehensive edit first, click the little "Show preview" instead of "Save page" button, and then post? Saved me a lot of time and trouble once I worked it out. --Emma 07:53, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

Hello and thank you! I do know about it and have made an effort to use it, but the 'save page' button is the first one in the row and I'm afraid I click it before I can think to use the preview more often than not 8D; I apologize if this is a bother. Duelist 07:58, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

Hey, your Phoenix Wright synopsis is a delight :3! (I just finished Apollo Justice and can't wait for the Edgeworth game to be released!) You're really doing great work here. (also, I always horribly neglect the preview button too, haha ^^;) --lian 16:58, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

Thank you very much :D I was trying to make it sound sufficiently interesting without giving away any spoilers... a bit hard for PW in some ways, lol. and omg I hear you. Edgeworth is my favorite character by far -- I about died of squee when that Certain Thing happened in T&T *coughcough* Duelist 00:14, 7 January 2009 (UTC)