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Name/s: Kiyaar
Fandom/s: Marvel 616, Star Trek, Burn Notice, Supernatural, The X-Files
You can find me at: Ao3 (fanfic)


On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

I'm very active in 616 SteveTony fandom! I read a lot of comics, I write sci-fi, and I love dogs. I write a lot of fanfic.

Fannish History

I've been in fandom since I was way too young to be in fandom. I've been here since geocities. I lurked for most of the time but posted your odd POTC fic on for a while, but really jumped in with the advent of post-2012 MCU fandom.

I write a lot of fanfic. I beta, I rec, I brainstorm. I also cosplay! I also run the 616 Stevetony Discord!

Current Favorites

I'm really into 616 SteveTony right now but I have this epic Dean/Cas thing on the back burner. Still writing Sins of Omission and working on auction fics!

On Fanlore

Networking and filling in the gaps for my specific fandom history (Steve/Tony + Marvel)