Transitions (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Transitions
Author(s): Southy
Date(s): 1/29/06
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Transitions is a Sentinel story by Southy.

The author's notes: "The freedom of the Southy byline was that the stories were written without the restriction of "slash or gen" designations."

Summary: "Post-TSbBS where Jim and Blair have lots of talking -- etc -- to do."

Author's Comments

In all the post-TSbBS works I’ve done in my time, I’ve flirted around with “the conversation”, but always shied away from dealing with it head-on, when the feelings are still fresh. It seems so trite and overdone. I didn’t do it here, either, but I came closer than I ever have before. For the most part, I mainly wanted to show how both guys had erred in their perceptions of what was happening, and in light of the others’ motivations and behaviors. (I detest conflicts portrayed as good guy/bad guy stories – when both guys are good guys.) [1]
