To the Edge

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: To the Edge
Author(s): Y.S. McCool
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
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To the Edge is a Sentinel story by Y.S. McCool.

"Jim/Blair , Jim/Maxine, J/B/Maxine, Maxine/Michelle... Aw, hell! Everyone gets into this one!"

Reactions and Reviews

There's never anything wrong with fantasies. -- Y.S. McCool

Too true! And if you're looking for fantasy fulfillment in the Sentinel Universe, then Y.S. McCool's To the Edge is a wonderful place to turn.

Well into the fantastically woven Dancing series, To the Edge seems to want to tell the simple story of Jim and Blair and Maxine and Michelle's quiet trip to the woods. But, as McCool's summary tells us, "life has other plans."

This story picks up many of the threads of previous Dancing stories, and takes what might have been a simple PWP (though, with Y.S., PWPs are never simple!), and turns it into a rich, sensitive, often unbearably hot investigation of the most exciting love square you'd ever want to see.

While the author seems to pack just about everything into this story--b&d;, s&m;, multipartner sex, rough fantasies, harrassment, voyuerism, and even silver hairbrushes--it all seems to work so fluidly that you almost believe that the world is comprised of sex, and the problem is that not enough of us notice.

While all the sex scenes are amazingly written, perhaps the best are those that comprise Jim and Blair's "before the first time" fantasies. It's a simple concept--each pretends that the other has never realised that there is love between them, and then tries to convince his soon-to-be lover to join him. The remembered need in these scenes, as the lovers flash back to a time when they weren't together, is so powerfully and beautifully done, that I'd have to call them some of the most moving scenes in McCool's work.

If you haven't checked out any of the Dancing series, I don't recommend starting with this one--the series as a whole is much more interesting when read as a whole. But I do recommend the stories highly. Y.S. McCool's sex scenes--het, m/m, and f/f--are painfully hot to read...

So I'd advise, if you normally read your stories at work, to instead print these out, take them home to your significant other, and see what develops. [1]


  1. ^ review by Dean Warner, History at Slash Revolution International