Through the Eyes of a Friend

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Through the Eyes of a Friend
Author(s): JET
Genre: sgen
Fandom: The Sentinel
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Through the Eyes of a Friend is a Sentinel story by JET.

Reactions and Reviews

This. This is pure poetry. It's Jim and Blair's relationship through the eyes of a friend. I really love the part where Simon compares Blair to a countermelody in a piece of music. Now, I know next to nothing about the technicalities of music, but the way JET describes him and it makes perfect sense. And then you get Simon's view of Jim. At first, it's all the normal fanon concerning how Jim feels about Blair. But then. . . then JET hits you with the most beautiful words, descriptions, and feelings. A truly beautiful, contemplative, and restful work. One that leaves you hoping that you can say the same about a certain someone in your own life.[1]
