The Spell (Star Trek: TOS story by Cervelle Marais)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Spell
Author(s): Cervelle Marais
Date(s): 2002
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Spell is a Kirk/Spock story by Cervelle Marais.

It was published in the print zine First Time #55.


"Kirk accidentally catches Spock masturbating to the blues."

Reactions and Reviews

When I first read this story, I thought something weird was going on with Spock. He gets annoyed (and he shows it!) when his shore leave is ruined, he’s masturbating with no Pon Farr in sight, and he is less embarrassed than Kirk when the Captain finds him in the aforementioned situation?!? Well, there is nothing wrong with Spock. This is what he is, and I love it. He keeps his cool air through all the story. This is more what I would expect from a mirror Spock, but when I got used to the idea—my, the author is right. Spock is half human after all, let him have a little fun, especially when there’s so much fun in it for all of us! I want more of this Spock! (Please?) [1]

This is about 11 pages. Kirk is 38 so this is set near the middle of the five year duty we see in the original series. This is a good PWP that I don't believe for one minute. A cliché "ice breaking" incident is used, but that's not necessarily a criticism because I have used this in one of my stories in another fandom. Kirk and Spock are not very "realistic" in this, in my opinion, but realism and staying true to characterization are not high priorities in a PWP. For a PWP, this certainly is entertaining. [2]
