The Spare

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Title: The Spare
Author(s): wickedwords
Length: Word count: 13850
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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The Spare is a Stargate Atlantis McKay/Sheppard story by wickedwords.

Reactions and Reviews

NC-17. First time. Harlequin AU. John agrees to marry Rodney to secure the future of his cousin Elizabeth's empire. At the end of the year he can go back home or stay with his new husband. Okay, I have a sekrit love of Regency romances and arranged marriages. This is a great example of both. John and Rodney are still John and Rodney and it incorporates Atlantis, which I love in an AU. [1]

Why this must be read: The convenient marriage is one of the hardest romance cliches to do really well because it's near impossible to keep the tension consistant until the climax, especially when it's clear to the reader that the protagonists love each other. In "The Spare" Rachael makes the convenient marriage theme her bitch! This fills me with near infinite amounts of glee. As though that is not gift enough, "The Spare" is a fresh, interesting AU, which manages to pick up several of the key themes of canon and twist them into something unexpected but so right. I love the way royalty has been thrown into the mix; I love how John and Rodney still seem so much like themselves; and I love John's alienation in this too... in fact there's nothing I don't love about this story. [2]


  1. ^ 2011 rec by lilyleia78 at Stargate: Atlantis Recsl
  2. ^ rec at Crack Van, January 2007