The Parting Glass

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Title: The Parting Glass
Author(s): Kat Allison
Date(s): 2004 or before
Length: 124kb
Genre: slash
Fandom: Highlander
External Links: The Parting Glass (AO3)

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The Parting Glass is a Highlander Duncan/Methos story by Kat Allison.

Summary: "Joe has been forcibly retired from the watcher organisation - and he's not happy."

Reactions and Reviews

This is a REALLY depressing story! It's extremely well-written, naturally, but the Methos here is so cold - even if it's only a facade covering deeper feelings - that the story leaves me feeling rather empty and very sad for everybody involved. I've always liked Methos as a character more than Duncan but I must say that I couldn't disagree more with the philosphy espoused by Methos in this story. I guess that's why I'm not really entirely comfortable with Kat Allison's Methos - my Methos is a lot nicer. But the writing keeps me coming back for more, time after time. as well as the fabulous characterisations of Joe and Duncan.[1]

... which is the story that worked me over so well that I had to write my own

sequel to it. Let's face it, that just doesn't happen very often. Especially considering the fact...

Well, Kat's a Methosgrrl. She is. She knows him, inside and out. She's ruthless with him and *through* him, and that woke something up inside of me that I never expected. Namely?

A love for Duncan.

Who knew? I sure didn't. But that ruthlessness... There's just something inspiring, something inescapably *needful* about literary mercilessness...

I don't know. All I know is that I wish that more writers had it.

And that, even when the very thought of *reading* it makes me cringe, I'm always glad to see Kat writing in one of my fandoms.

She makes the pain count for something. [2]

Inspired Fanworks

Rising by Te is a sequel to The Parting Glass.
