The Futurian

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Title: The Futurian
Editor(s): J. Michael Rosenblum
Date(s): 1938-1940
Medium: Print
Fandom: Science Fiction
External Links: Hosted online by
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The Futurian was a British science fiction zine published from 1938-1940. It was suspended with the outbreak of war and replaced with The Pseudo-Futurian. According to a January 1939 review, it was printed instead of being hectographed or mimeographed.


September, 1938. Excellently printed British fan magazine, edited by J. M. Rosenblum... Very fine material by several well known authors and fans, including Pohl, Taurasi, Temple, Fearn, as well as several unsigned articles and a Fan Gossip Page. Printing is very excellent throughout; however, a smaller type would give much more wordage at little or no additional cost. Better than the usual run of English magazines; not dry, and at the same time avoids silliness. American subscription rates are ten cents the copy, or four for thirty cents. Published quarterly.

Among Our Neighbors!. Spaceways #2 pg. 18. Jan. 1939.

Thanks for the review of the FUTURIAN. I would like to give a word of explanation about the printing. Firstly there's a h- of a lot of work in it---on the average it takes about 2 hours to set a page of type, 1 hour to print & 1 hour to distribute the type again......Secondly, we only possess an appreciable quantity of the one size type-12 pt. Caslon oldface-actually. Thirdly, all type has to be hand-set & if you try handling type even as large as we use, you'll find it quite difficult enough. We could actually get more in by omitting the spaces between the lines which would allow another half-dozen or so lines per page, but this would make manipulation & distribution of the type extremely difficult, and remember that we are only amateurs with no previous experience.

J. Michael Rosenblum: Letter printed in response to review; Spaceways #3, pg. 18. Feb. 1939.

"The Futurian" is carrying on under great difficulties and is even better than before in its new mimeod form.

Sam Youd: Item printed in The Fantast #7, pg. 12. Oct. 1939.