The Fall of the House of Sheppard

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Title: The Fall of the House of Sheppard
Author(s): saffronhouse
Date(s): August 2008
Length: 40150 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links:
SGA Big Bang: "The Fall of the House of Sheppard" by Martha, Archived version
at AO3

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The Fall of the House of Sheppard is a John/Rodney fic by saffronhouse.

It was written for the 2008 SGA Big Bang.


"John Sheppard's strange inheritance has drawn Dr. Rodney McKay across two galaxies and back again. Now Dr. McKay must survive the dark forces at work in the Sheppard house to save the man he loves!"

Comments at the Big Bang

Comments Elsewhere

Unknown Date

This horror AU, in which Rodney accompanies John to Earth during Outcast, was just somewhat creepy at first but also funny, and I was lulled into a false sense of security. Then the creepiness and violence got worse and worse, turning it into genuinely scary horror. A great story overall, that ties horror to the SGA SF elements neatly. Through the Looking Glass -- Alternate Universe Recs -- Stargate: Atlantis, Archived version


I LOVE a good gothic story and this was fantastic. I've an obsession with the Vincent Price Edgar Allan Poe films and I've watched House of Usher and the Tomb of Ligeia a few too many times, and I could not resist reading this. [1]


Why this must be read:

To start out in this new genre, I bring an absolute FAV in the horror sector. Martha spins a tale of suspense, chills, and horror in this Season 4 AU of "Outcast". Instead of Ronon, it's Rodney who goes with John to his father's funeral. With an alternate backstory for John, Martha pulls out her phenomenal skills with atmosphere and tension-building to bring us a story that will stay with you long after you're done, even if you leave the lights on. Go, enjoy, and don't forget to bring your teddy bear for snuggles! [2]

God, this freaked the living fuck out of me the first time I read it, and it's still just as good. Brava. [3]


This fic still scares the crap out of me, even after a year from first reading. With a combination of Gothic atmosphere, small and creepy details, and a wonderful blending of Poe and SGA backstory, this fic draws you into a family with a horrific past and an estate that is haunting as any classic horror film. To dovetail with that talent with atmosphere, Martha has a way with setting a scene that breathes life into it and makes you practically live it. With the scene I've got below as the excerpt, I swear my eyes were bugging out of my head just picturing that in my head. *shiver* K, me'thinks tis time to leave the lights on tonight! Definitely enjoy this introduction into the wonderful world of Stargate horror; it'll set the stage for more horrors to come. :) [4]


Well, now it's 2am and I don't know if I am going to be able to sleep!!! (By which I mean, holy gothic ghost tale Batman,that was macabre, gripping and awesome! Loved the blend of SGA elements and gothic horror. Very inventive! And such a great mood piece!) [5]


Such a gorgeous story! You are an amazing writer! You combined the genres, SGA canon and the mcshep fanon in an inspired way. You managed to make everything feel, taste, sound deeply depressing steeped in that gothic unsettling light and you kept the horror up and up and up, while at the same time you wrote a delicious Rodney, perfect and real and rodney to the t. Loved every single scene and thought and twisted feeling in this story, loved how subtle John is in his devotion to Rodney and how desperate Rodney is to be there for John. Thank you for sharing! [6]


  1. ^ comments by zoe at AO3, November 4, 2010
  2. ^ Stargate Fic Rec, June 6, 2011
  3. ^ comments by twelve pastels at AO3, June 11, 2011
  4. ^ Crack Van, October 2012
  5. ^ comments by blahblahwoofwoof at AO3, September 11, 2015
  6. ^ comments by naias at AO3, August 7, 2017