The Dreaming Sea

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Title: The Dreaming Sea
Author(s): Revely
Genre: casefile
Fandom: The X-Files
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The Dreaming Sea is an X-Files story by Revely.

Reactions and Reviews

This story is a sweet, gentle sort of casefile. The Dreaming Sea by Revely takes Mulder and Scully to a seaside town where they encounter a boy who may or may not be some sort of true sea urchin. Revely's poetic style is a wonderful match for the content of this story, and the original characters are a rag-tag group of townsfolk who more than hold their own with Mulder and Scully. There's a hint of magic sprinkled over everything, which makes this a thoroughly delightful tale.[1]

A story doesn't always have to use a sledgehammer to knock you out. The Dreaming Sea is a parable of ice-cream melting on hot tarmac, wheeling gulls, a small town and a strange young boy swimming in the sea. A gorgeous story with some memorable character moments and a gentle way of seducing you into its world. In fact, read everything Revely's ever written. You'll thank me afterwards, you will...[2]

This is one of my favorite XF stories. It's sweet and dreamy, but also sharp, funny and unique. Like an earlier rec, "Banging Your Head On a Red-Haired Brick Wall," and a rec that will be named later, it features one of the most memorable original characters in XF fic. Jonah is a little boy lost, who may also be something else -- possibly something magical. There are so many other wonderful things about this story, too: the wise beyond his years voice of Andy, Jonah's friend and protector, the vivid portrait of small town history and interactions, and the way all these elements work their charm on Mulder and Scully....I love this story so much. Every time I read it, I keep thinking maybe this time it won't hold up, but it always, always does. It's a classic.[3]


  1. ^ omniscribe
  2. ^ Your Mileage May Vary: Recs, via Wayback: 2001. (Accessed 10 April 2015)
  3. ^ recced at Crack Van, September 2006