The Creature There Has Never Been (Beauty and the Beast convention)

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Name: The Creature There Has Never Been
Dates: July 11-13, 2014
Location: Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Founding Date:
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The Creature There Has Never Been was a Beauty and the Beast (TV) con. It was the "25th Annual U.S. Convention."

It has a con zine, see The Creature There Has Never Been.

Part of a Series

This con was part of an organized series of annual national Beauty and the Beast fan gatherings held in North America.


Con Reports

I had actually made up my mind to attend my first con in 2013. I was a huge fan of the show when it first aired in 1987 and never missed watching a single episode until the bitter (literally) end. Even at the young age that I was at that time (I won’t mention here exactly what that age was because of the consternation and groans of dismay it induced at the con whenever I mentioned it), the show made a profound and lasting impression on me. I was often told by my mom and aunts when I was growing up that they thought I was an old lady trapped in a child’s body, so although a deepening appreciation of the show and its values would be many more years in the making, I recognized even then that it was something special. Although BATB always remained in the back of my mind, it wasn’t until 2011 that I stumbled upon the show again on television during a very difficult time in my family’s life. Watching the episodes again was immensely comforting and it provided a much needed escape from the stress of what was going on. Then I found the fandom still going strong online and was shocked and thrilled! I just absolutely had no idea that what I was seeing had existed, and I was beyond overjoyed. I began to pour over anything I could find. I was in awe of the art work out there. I rabidly began to read fan fic (something I had never been interested in doing for any other TV show or movie) and was blown away by the level of the quality of a lot of the writing. I had never been compelled to seek out any kind of fandom until then.


The next morning, I headed out to Como Park with a small group that included an intrepid fellow newbie who had traveled all the way from France named Odile (who, by the way, had the most beautiful BATB t-shirts). We rode on a 100-year-old gorgeously preserved carousel and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the zoo. We arrived back at the hotel just as registration was about to get started and I received my daily hug from JoAnn (Thank you for those awesome hugs, JoAnn!) as we were walking in. When I picked up my tote bag and t-shirt, all I could think was, “I can’t believe I’m really finally here!!!!” One of the things that had immediately caught my eye as soon as I entered the con room was Vincent’s cloak. I tried to remain calm and not trip over my own feet as I hurried over to the costume rack. I asked someone browsing in the dealer room if touching the costumes was allowed. Because of the excitement of the moment, I can’t remember who that person was, but whoever you are, I hope I didn’t frighten you with what must surely have been a crazed look on my face. I could NOT believe that I was standing in front of that cloak and (gasp!) that I could actually touch it. I did it surreptitiously because it was hard to believe that was allowed to just anyone. I don’t have the words to adequately describe what it felt like to touch the gray shoulder of Vincent’s cloak right where I had imagined laying my own head against more than a thousand times. Wow. Sigh.

We watched “A Happy Life” that night, and it was so fun to view it in a room full of other fans. Later we had a special treat that put the crazy lady look on my face again. If I hadn’t already been sitting on the floor, I’m pretty sure I would have fallen out of my chair. Afterward, when JoAnn asked what we newbies thought about it, all I could blurt out was, “I can die now.” Still on cloud 9, I looked through all of the contents of my tote bags that night before going to sleep. Newbie wrangler Pat L. had given us a separate welcome bag. The most precious thing it contained was a card made by Peggy G. affixed with tiny squares of fabric left over from the material used to make Vincent’s cloaks. What a wonderful surprise! Thank you, Peggy, for sharing that with the fandom. I am so grateful to have that keepsake.

July 11 was the first official day of the con and it opened with an icebreaker activity by Rosemarie and a very funny Top 10 list by JoAnn listing the reasons why Vincent likes fan fics. There was a fan fic writing panel by Teri, JoAnn (who was wearing a very . . . ahem . . . eye-catching V&C t-shirt), and Carole that I was especially looking forward to since these ladies are among those at the top of my list of fan fiction writer heroes. I knew that it had been many years since Teri had written any BATB stories, so I always thought I would never have the chance to meet her. What a supreme thrill it was to meet her and thank her for writing and sharing those stories with the fandom. After the panel, we were given the task of writing drabbles and then were asked to share them with the group. I tried to be brave and read mine out loud with a voice shaky with nervousness. That was way out of my normal comfort zone. Everyone else’s drabbles were great, but the one that stood out for me was Ginny’s featuring Mouse. How did you manage to write something that wonderful and funny in only 30 minutes, Ginny? The writers in this fandom never cease to amaze me.

A game of Family Feud followed. For those who watched and wanted to throw things at us in frustration (I’m sure we also drove Je and Winter crazy by our complete inability to follow instructions), all I can say is that it’s harder than it looks when you’re on the spot in front of everyone and haven’t had enough coffee yet. Next up was Michelle’s announcement and presentation of next year’s con which will be in Calgary. You did good picking that hotel, Michelle! Later that afternoon I played my first hilarious game of Dirty Minds which was made even funnier by Brenda’s deadpan delivery. Who knew that descriptions of an iron or a coffee maker could sound so filthy?

At dinner that night Laura G. and Linda S. were a cleverly dressed up duo of a fan and a CBS executive giving fans what they want (i.e. “the creature there has never been”). Others wearing costumes that matched the theme of the con were Odile as a unicorn, Kathleen as a tunnel fairy, and Rosemarie as Ariel from The Little Mermaid. The variety show was a hoot and a half. Skippy’s pirates were followed on stage by a succession of fantastic singers (Michelle, CB, Suze, and Kari). Winter did a reading of the piece she had written for this past year’s Winterfest titled “The Raccoon” which I loved! Pat L. did a comical Victor Borge-style reading of a very hot and ultimately funny story by JoAnn. The Chesapeake Helpers’ Society had the entire room singing along mostly in tune to their American Classics set. Judy and Karen Q. as “Father’s Fairies” hilariously spilled the beans on scandalous Tunnels secrets accompanied by the vocal stylings of Adele’s “Rumour Has It”. The show ended with Laura G. (as Devin), Pat L. (as Catherine), Michelle (as Vincent), and Skippy (as Father, naturally) doing a skit of Laura G.’s terrific “Sibling Ribaldry”. We also watched a few more of Tunnelmom’s very entertaining music videos that night, including a funny and adorable silent movie-style version of “A Happy Life”. The amount of talent in this fandom is truly staggering! The night ended with a showing of the recent French version of Beauty and the Beast. I only know 2 or 3 words of French, but I was mesmerized by the beautiful cinematography and costumes. Since the movie did not have any subtitles, Claire was kind enough to do a Q&A session for us at the end.

Immediately following another nice (and much appreciated by this newbie) icebreaker by Rosemarie the next day, Winter led an activity on how to draw Vincent. I had a lot of fun trying my hand at that, but I won’t be in danger of having anyone ask me to illustrate their writing any time soon. Or ever. A George R.R. Martin archive presentation by Karen Q. and JoAnn was the subsequent activity which was very interesting and informative. Like many others in the room, I was glad that we got the episodes that we did get, considering some of the horrifying script ideas that had been considered. Later there as an interactive “White Stuff” story reading by Judy. I was giggling like a little girl as the “snow” was flying every which way inside a hotel meeting room in the middle of summer. Before breaking for banquet prep, we had a Skype chat with David Greenlee who was very gracious and funny. I’m still kicking myself for having missed the phone call with Roy Dotrice.

The banquet was even more fun than I imagined it would be. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up as I looked around the room during the lighting of the candles. I had tears in my eyes when I looked over at my fellow newbie Odile with a smile. I was too moved to speak. What I wanted to say was, “Can you believe that we just experienced that?” I’m not the dancing type, so I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the folk dancing. The band was terrific. I’m embarrassed to say I got teary-eyed again when we were all holding hands in a big circle singing “Goodnight, Irene”. My tears were soon dried during the hilarity of the charity auction. As the bidding got more and more heated, so did the antics on stage between Laura G. and JoAnn. All I can say is that by the time Skippy stood up and quoted a line about rum from her pirate skit, my sides were hurting from laughing so hard! There were a lot of wonderful things up for auction to raise money for this year’s charity such as a BATB pewter chess set, a “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” poster in fabulous condition, lovely pieces of art including a bust of Vincent sculpted by Peggy’s daughter, and a 1939 (I think) edition of Great Expectations like the one used in the pilot. I was fortunate enough to win an iconic Vincent sweater. I know how invaluable that sweater really is, so I promise to take very good care of it and will be gentle with my huggings.

Sunday went by in a blur. Something happened during Beast Bingo that made me love this group even more. Bless whoever it was who came up with that thoughtful and generous idea. During lunch I was able to see pictures from the early/mid 1990s shared with me by Jackie K. and Gloria of their writing group gatherings back in the day. What a treat that was! The group discussion about what attracted people to BATB was the official activity that I enjoyed most at the con. It was wonderful to hear the personal stories that were shared. The closing ceremonies came too soon. I was a weepy mess by the first line of “A Gathering of Spirits”. It was a surreal experience to be crying uncontrollably standing in the middle of a circle surrounded by friends listening to the song that had previously reduced me to tears at the conclusion of Winterfest. Then we were invited to join the circle. Goosebumps. Gratitude. My heart was full.

Thank you to Je and the entire con team for all of your hard work putting together such a wonderful gathering. I had a fantastic time. For everyone who graciously took the time to have long chats with me (including Carole W., SandyX, Teri, JoAnn, Brenda, Ginny, Pat M. and John, Claire, Pat L., CB, and Peggy) when you could have been catching up with old friends instead, thank you for humoring me with discussions on topics that I know are old hat for you all. Having those kinds of talks about the show and the characters I love so much was something I had to wait 27 years to be able to do. If I had to describe my first con experience in one word, that word would be “cathartic”.

The main purpose of writing this con report was not so much to preserve my memories of my first con. I could never forget a single moment of the magical time that I had. I wanted to write a great big “thank you” to all of the members of this fandom, past and present. I can’t express how much joy the products of your astounding and loving creativity gave me during a very tough time in my life that fortunately had a happy ending. I tried to convey my sincere appreciation of your work to as many of you as I could during the convention. I went to this con largely because I wanted to be able to tell people in person how much I appreciated and enjoyed their work, and it meant a lot to me to have the opportunity to do that. Thank you to each person who in their own way helped to keep the candles burning brightly all these years. Love and hugs to each and every one of you, and I hope I’ll be able to see you all again in the future! [1]

My first con as a con committee member was the second con I’ve attended. So what was similar or dissimilar between the first and the second con experience?

I was nervous and excited to attend, but for different reasons. The first con I knew no one ‘in person,’ only some names by online chatting and a few by episode chats. Being shy, this was a bit of a hurdle, but I leapt anyway, and was very happy I did. This time, my nervousness was from hoping everyone would have a good time and that everything would go well. I felt responsible that everyone would enjoy himself or herself, and I’m sure that was true for J’Ecris, the con chairperson, as well. I think it was a successful con, and I’m proud to have played a role in bringing it to fruition!

How did I get to be on the con committee after attending only one con? Simple! I suggested ideas to the next con chair. As the saying goes, ‘let no good deed go unpunished,’ um, wait I think I meant ‘be prepared to back up your ideas with action.’ Anyway, she asked, and I said yes. What followed was an eye-opener about what it takes to put on a con. I recommend it highly if you are ever sitting in your chair in the audience thinking, ‘wouldn’t it be fun to put on a con in my city.’ A good con may make it look easy. But it’s like a duck in the water looking serene on top while his feet are paddling furiously underneath the surface of the water. Just know realistically what it will take before making that leap.

It takes a village to put on a con. There are the ‘virtual villagers,’ the planning committee who communicate across the internet exchanging ideas, making decisions, finding resources, soliciting preferences, creating games, proposing panels, identifying presenters, awaiting replies, counting costs, envisioning fun, fearing the worst, planning for the best, scheduling and re-scheduling, and let’s not forget, praying that everything turns out as hoped!

Then there is the ‘present village’ of helpers who magically appear before the con starts who help with anything and everything that needs doing. I noticed that J’Ecris pressed family members into service. Help arrives in many shapes and sizes!

We looked at four major areas of consideration: crafts, games, panels, and ‘traditional’ activities. We asked for input from those who had registered. Let me make a plea on behalf of the next committee: if asked about preferences, please respond! We truly wanted to shape the con around what would please the most attendees. Within the committee, we each had our own preferences, and it often resembled the fable of the blind men describing an elephant by what part of the elephant their hands touched first. I tried to guard against bias through my own personal preferences, but in a situation of little feedback, it is easiest to fall back on what you like! But I think we had a pretty fair balance by the time the con was to start.

Because I am so new to fandom and cons, I admit that I like to hear from celebrities. I had heard they were not easy to get. Now I understand what they meant! One of my jobs on the committee was to draft a letter to the celebrities we were trying to get. These letters are never easy. First, and most important, the letter must compel them to read it! Second, the letter must convey, in the classiest way possible, that expenses would be paid but nothing above that. And as an alternative, we offered to Skype an interview with them if the celebrity could not attend in person.

We had our eye on four celebrities. For a while, we thought we might actually end up with four celebrities. However, one by one, the possibilities dropped out. We were certain of David Greenlee (Mouse) until the last few months before the con, his health became an issue. But he came through on Skype, so we were able to talk with him live at the con. We made sure that every new con attendee got to chat a few minutes with him, and then he took questions. I do think that Skyping may be a way in the future to extend our reach to celebrities who might be reluctant to come in person, but who might decide spending an hour on-line in the comfort of their home might not be that great a sacrifice!

One celebrity interview we had hoped to show was with Roy Dotrice. I had been talking with Roy throughout the year, trying to find a time to get together with him and record an interview. Unfortunately, we were unable to pull that off. However, he did speak to the con by phone in a surprise call, and we were all able to share our love with him and tell him we missed him!

Another major job I had was creating games (one of those ideas I gave!). So I worked on Wheel of Fortune (I even made a spinning wheel for the contestants!), Password, Pyramid, and Trivia Pursuit. We also had Family Feud and Jeopardy to round out the roster.

One of the parts of the con I got to emcee was the talent show! I even participated myself. I had to think of something I could do that wouldn’t send folks screaming for the door, so I read a very short story that was suggestive – until you got to the end! I read it ‘Victor Borge’ style, with spoken punctuation. JoAnn Baca was kind enough to provide the story, and while I was not perfect, I think it went okay! We had a pirate poem, complete with a bevy of pirates, which was spoken by Skippy. Laura, myself, Michelle, and Skippy re-enacted Sibling Ribaldry which Laura wrote as a fanfic. WinterRose read her poem, The Raccoon. Michelle sang “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserable. Kari sang Defying Gravity from Wicked, and Suze sang Let It Go from Frozen. CB sang a song from a Stephen Sondheim show. Father’s Fairies showed up (Judy and Karen). And the CHSBB dedicated their performance, CHSBB Salutes an American Classic, to Marilyn Howard.

I made something for the con bag this year. I found red and crystal roses that I ‘planted’ into a small dessert glass (or shot glass for those more liquid oriented!). These roses were originally a Valentines item, so by the time I stumbled upon them, there were not many left. So I drove all over buying everyone I could find, and Donna B even covered her territory for me. The hard part was shaving the green potting foam to fit the glass. I had flakes of this stuff floating all over my living room! Sandy T generously gave her permission to use a picture of hers, on which the back was printed a sweet poem from Vincent, so the effect was a gift from Vincent to Catherine.

I also got crafty (me, crafty! Imagine that!) and did a stained glass version of Vincent’s window in window color and another of the word ‘love’ with C and V superimposed on the ‘o’ and ‘v’ of love. I made several to sell at the dealer’s room to contribute to the charity. Who knew what talents I would develop through fandom!

The hotel was fabulous, and the staff was so kind and helpful. We caught the event manager and some of her crew taking ‘selfies’ with Bubba as we were packing up! They loved us!

The add-ons for the con were super. Caves and caverns were interesting, and learning about the criminal history of St. Paul with a gangster guide (Baby-faced Nelson!) was a stitch!

We even managed to squeeze in two Beauty and the Beast movies – the recent French film and the Cocteau classic!

We danced to folk music at the banquet! We did this ‘snake’ dance where we were going in all sorts of directions, and it was the neatest thing to do and watch at the same time! And the music was so pleasant to listen to during dinner without interfering with conversation.

Lots of laughter, many hugs later, the con ended. Not without the circle, of course. And here we also added our own touch. J’Ecris mentioned that Roy Dotrice had commented that it felt strange reading about winter when it was July, and that we ought to write new words. So that’s what we did! I hope everyone liked them and found them a fitting replacement.

So what was different about my second con from the first? Obviously, I was much more involved. Many of the things I did, such as the talent show and the stained glass items, I would have done without the committee. And I would encourage all the newbies who plan on coming to Calgary next year to see if you can find a talent for the show, and one for the Dealer’s Room! The more you participate, the more fun you have, and the more connected you feel to the group and to the charity the con supports. As far as being on the committee, it was a pleasure to serve J’Ecris and work with the other committee members, and I can’t help but feel proud of what we accomplished. [2]

The majority of the day on Thursday, July 10th, was spent in preparation for the upcoming con activities. For dinner, we, along with Melissa and Helene, enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner in the restaurant adjacent to the hotel. During the evening hours, there were games and meet and greet activities including a welcome surprise for the newest members of our extended family, the con virgins. Chesapeake Helpers furnished the evening’s refreshments including cake and soda. This allowed us the opportunity to celebrate with all our members in attendance the Club’s 25th anniversary!!! Thanks to all for your congratulatory remarks, friendship and well wishes. Here’s to another 25 years!!!

The 2014 BATB convention “officially” began with opening ceremonies on Friday, July 11th. Pat and Winter co-emceed the convention. They both were marvelous… simply marvelous. Next, Rosemarie led the first of three icebreaker activities we would participate in during the convention. Afterward, Pat L. hosted BATB Pyramid, one of several BATB themed game shows held throughout the weekend. Other morning highlights included a FanFic Writing panel and Tunnel Family Feud. At noon, Michelle revealed that the 2015 BATB convention will be held in Calgary, Alberta CANADA!!! Can’t wait… count us in!!!

For lunch, con attendees enjoyed a make your own sandwich bar. Representatives from Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless, the designated convention charity, were also on hand providing information about their worthwhile organization. The remainder of the day included a bevy of activities including BATB Wheel of Fortune, Dirty Minds and Beast Bingo. There were also crafts, including BATB photo coasters, and a panel discussion comparing B&B versions.

The evening festivities kicked off with a Northern buffet dinner followed by the costume and talent show. Highlights of the talent show included songs from Les Miserables and the Disney movie Frozen, a comedic reading and a pirate skit. Chesapeake Helpers closed the show with a (no-talent) Tribute to an American Classic complete with fireworks display. Thanks to all for sharing your talents with all of us, for making all of us laugh and for pulling at all of our heartstrings (alright, admit it, there may have been a tear or two.) The night ended with a viewing of a recent French Beauty and the Beast film (thanks Claire!!!) followed by drinks with a gang of other con attendees in the nearby restaurant.

The morning of Saturday, July 12th, began with an icebreaker activity followed by crafts (BATB Christmas ornament), panels (Drawing Vincent, George R.R. Martin archives) and games (BATB Jeopardy and BATB Password). Lunch consisted of a delicious Mexican buffet followed by Beast Bingo. Although David Greenlee could not attend due to illness (thankfully, nothing serious), he was kind enough to participate by Skype. Thanks David!!!

Saturday evening, always a highlight of BATB cons because of the traditional Summerfest banquet, was extra special this year. After dinner, those who desired (including us) had the opportunity to participate in several group folk dances. The scene, with the camaraderie and gaiety, was truly reminiscent of the tunnel community.

Afterward, we all got down to business to raise money for the designated charity. As Deb was unable to attend this year (we missed you Deb!!!), Laura served as our auctioneer. She did a wonderful job keeping the crowd engaged and vested. Laura’s and JoAnn’s hip/belly bumps were also entertaining and their off stage kiss we are sure will become legendary throughout BATB fandom. We recently read that the convention raised over $14,000 on behalf of the charity. Thanks to all who gave of their time and money for a very worthwhile cause.

On Sunday, July 13th (the last official day of the convention), we enjoyed a delicious breakfast followed by two separate panels on BATB and creature trivia. The remainder of the morning featured the art auction and another round of Dirty Minds. In the afternoon, there was a tea, a third round of Beast Bingo and an all inclusive discussion on what attracts people to BATB. [3]

I just realized that I had never submitted a newbie/con virgin report for my 1st Con in (2012) Dallas (Oops), but luckily I did submit my pictures from that wonderful event for the Dallas Con page!

As a 2nd timer, I was definitely more relaxed going into the MN BATB 2014 Con. Since I had met so many people at my 1st con in Dallas, Tx., I was happy that I would be seeing a lot of them at this con. What made it even more fun was that I found out recently that Pat L and I live in the same state, only 1 town away from each other! So it was a delight that I was able to hitch a ride from her to come to the con, by driving this time, instead of the 24 hour train ride to the Dallas Con!

Since Pat L. was on the con committee, I got to see the many behind the scenes work it takes into making a Beauty and The Beast Convention fabulous since we had arrived one day earlier. It was wonderful to be able to help out in cutting the name tags, and putting the strings in the little holes (lol) to make a hanging name tag. It was lovely to see all the names on the tags, all the tunnel people who were able to make it to this year's con and that I was looking forward to seeing again, as well as meeting those that I hadn't met yet. It was also fun to be able to help out with pricing of items, to be sold in the dealers room by marking the cute, little orange stickers.

For the MN con, this was my 1st time in being able to attend the pre-con and post-con add on activities. During my 1st convention in Dallas,Tx, I was only able to attend the con 3 day activities, so it was amazing to be able to relax and enjoy a longer time hanging out with my tunnel family.

I remember at my 1st con in Dallas, I was very nervous and shy. I had arrived at the Dallas Hotel,Thursday late afternoon and had found a lot of Beauty and the Beast folk already gathering in a big group in the lobby. I remember sitting in a chair looking over at the group, wondering how to go about introducing myself, especially since not everyone is online and might not know who "Tweetie" is. Luckily, Laura G. came and saved the day, as she happened to come out from the con room (where the con committee was working fervently to get everything prepared ) and introduced me! Whew!

This year, it was even better, because no longer being a con virgin/newbie, I knew what to expect and since I had met a lot of people already, it was like "Hi, Great to see you again!" followed by wonderful hugs!!

There were so many wonderful things to enjoy at the MN Con. I really LOVED the Folk Dancing. I didn't know what to expect, but it was so much fun. It was great to see so many people participate. I'm glad I was coordinated enough to follow the directions... lol... because we all worked together so nicely. I hope someone recorded some of the dancing !

What can I say but that everything was planned so beautifully. I loved the games, beast bingo, the variety show, craft making, The French Beauty and the Beast film that Claire so graciously shared with us, the Charity Auction , the dealers room, all the amazing show costumes (love Vincent's cloak), the ice breakers, the George R. R. Martin panel, The Beauty and the Beast comparison segment presented very well by my roomie Rosemarie, Roy Dotrice surprising us all by calling on the phone, the banquet and candle lighting ceremony, the delicious meals provided by the hotel, the special treat we get to see only by attending the con..., etc., etc... pretty much everything!! Unfortunately, I missed seeing David Greenlee on Skype, since I was a bit tired and had retired to my room for a bit, but I was happy I got to hear Roy Dotrice "Father" on the phone!!

The post con add-ons were terrific.


A nice surprise when I got back to the lobby after the Final Dinner was seeing "Vincent" (Lisa all adorned beautifully in her Vincent Costume) standing in the lobby hallway, holding a rose. I heard Lisa doesn't normally dress up , after the convention activities, but I think she may have dressed up specially for Skippy (Our Australian Tunnel Dweller), if I heard correctly... >wink,wink< (heard whispered thru' the grapevine). I may be incorrect,but that is what I heard... :)

Well, of course, you can imagine the "Picture Opportunities"!! Flashbulbs were going everywhere!! On-lookers in the lobby (top siders) were all gasping and smiling wondering what was going on. Tunnel folk were getting in line for their picture opportunity with Vincent. We caused a slight traffic jam in the hallway... lol... as hotel passerbys came through! It was GREAT FUN AND A GREAT NIGHT CAP to End the Day!

If anyone is thinking of attending their First Convention, by all means, get to One! You will not regret it! It's a SPECIAL WEEK!! [4]

Thursday, July 10, 2014 We had the morning “off”. I took this opportunity to join the Con organizers and other Con goers who had resumed setting up the convention activities. Brenda, Jackie and several others were there. As I came in, I noticed a clothes rack containing costumes from the show, some of which were for sale. I immediately noticed Vincent’s cloak. Linda S attested to me that it was genuine! I was absolutely mesmerized and I came nearer to have a better look. I was allowed to touch it and even... to try it on! Linda S took pictures of me. What an extraordinary memory! I won’t forget it any time soon! My only regret is that I didn’t have the presence of mind to pull the hood up, as Bridget O’ Donnell did in Masques. I was too overwhelmed to think clearly! I was intensely living in the present moment. I was also able to admire one of Vincent's vests (the short, gray, padded one), as well as a broad belt, and a sweater that Rose later won at the auction. I was glad for her; she wanted it so dearly! I also saw, close up, the magnificent dress that Catherine wore in Temptation; I had always believed it white, whereas it is in fact a very pale pink.


The Con Virgins, Carol S., Rose and myself, were officially welcome. JoAnn gave everyone a convention tote bag. It is a duffel bag bearing the convention logo. It contains a Conzine (a big fat printed collection of stories, poems, and beautiful drawings included those of Sandy Tew, a well-known artist in fandom). Nice little gifts completed the contents of the tote bag. JoAnn gave me two badges: one bearing my name and the word Newbie, meant to be worn on a lanyard, and a second one with a pin, bearing the words “Haze of Happiness 2014”. I was also given my convention T-shirt and an adorable stuffed animal, a little pink and white lion. As a Con Virgin, I also received a lovely garland of pink flowers and a third badge (“Hug me, I’m a Con Virgin”) that I wore with pride. Additionally, we Con Virgins earned an extra tote bag. What a nice surprise! I was so pleased! It is another duffel bag, adorned on the front with a beautiful rose. I hastened to find out its contents: two roses (one red and one white), a card with Catherine and Vincent, stickers and other items. Among all those gifts, I discovered a particularly precious one: a numbered card with scraps from the very fabric that served to create Vincent's cloak (or cloaks). Better still, my card bears the number 3 out of 150, my lucky number! I am thankful to Peggy for creating these marvellous cards. Peggy G. is very talented. She created a replica of Vincent's cloak with extra, unused fabric from the show's costume department. She is a very nice person with whom I had several conversations. She was kind enough to autograph one of her zines to me, Parallel Worlds WithinThe City, after buying it from the Dealers’ Room! I was so proud and happy. Yet another precious gift that I would bring back to France!


Friday, July 11, 2014 The convention officially began at 8 a.m. with an opening ceremony. Pat L and Winter gave a speech. Rosemarie led an "icebreaker activity". It was a good idea to allow participants to know each other better. Especiallyfor the newbies.

Followed various activities: BatB Pyramid (led by Pat L) Fanfic writing panel (moderated by Teri, JoAnn, Carole), Tunnel Family Feud (Je, Winter).

The round tables were beautifully decorated at the center with various legendary “creatures that never existed” according to the theme of the 2014 convention. On a large screen a drawing of Vincent next to a unicorn was projected on a blue background.

At noon, Michelle announced that the next convention would take place in Calgary, Canada. She also handed out folders containing a registration form and information leaflets on Calgary.

At 12:30, we ate tasty sandwiches.

After that, the "Charity convention" was presented. Each year, the profits made during the convention are donated to a charity. This year it was the association "Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless." Our donation amounted to $ 14,250.

Then there was the "Beast Bingo" (Judy, Karen). It is similar to the French lotto but instead of numbers, the Beast Bingo has character, episode, or place names from the series. At first I did not dare to play. But Peggy explained it to me and then I took part. It was not so complicated in English after all!

At 6:00 we had dinner which was a delicious Northern dinner buffet.

At 7:00, I happily joined the "costume and talent show." Kathleen was disguised as a fairy, Rosemarie as Ariel (from Disney’s Little Mermaid). Lisa as Vincent. It's amazing how much Lisa can make herself look like Vincent. Her makeup is really successful. And clothes are perfect. I had seen photos of her on the Internet (batbland). But in flesh and blood, it was impressive. And I was dressed as a unicorn. We went on stage to have pictures taken.

The "Talent Show" began with songs from "Les Miserables" and the Disney movie “Frozen” (or as we know it in French La Reine des Neiges, literally The Snow Queen). A pirateskits with Skippy, Michelle, Suzi, Kari, JoAnn and Teresa followed. Then "a tribute to an American Classic Complete with fireworks display" with Helene, Lisa / Vincent, Jackie, Brenda, Renee… We laughed a lot. It was fun.

The evening ended with the showing of a French film, "Beauty and the Beast" recently released in theaters. Claire then answered questions from the audience since the film was in French without subtitles.

Saturday, July 12, 2014 The morning began with an "icebreaker" led by Rosemarie.

We then drew a portrait of Vincent under the guidance of Winter. Followed "BatB Jeopardy" (Laura), "George RR Martin archive panel" (JoAnn), making a Christmas ball (Laura) and "BatB Password" (Pat L).

A 1: 00, we ate a "Mexican lunch".

Then there was a "Beast Bingo" (Judy, Karen).

I did not participate in all the activities that took place during these three days of the convention because I do not understand English very well and I confess that I wasn’t able to follow much, especially when stories were read. It will be for next time ... when I have progressed in English. But I took advantage of manual activities like drawing Vincent, creating a Christmas ball filled with paper in Winterfest candle colors or sticking an image of the series on a tile.

Through Skype, some of us were able to talk with David Greenlee. I talked to him, too! I was pretty intimidated, but he was very nice and even said a few words in French. He is charming and fun.

We signed cards for people who could not attend the convention. The same fans may have been watching us when the roaming webcam filmed our activities. This was how my husband and my daughter could see me live. They even took screenshots, as a souvenir!

A 4: 00, we went to "primp" for the banquet.

At 5: 30, there was a photo opportunity. It was the right time because we were all "Sunday best." I had seen pictures of Bubba taken at previous conventions. I was able to see and touch him for real and to take pictures with him and friends!

The highlight of the day was the traditional "Summerfest banquet" that began around 6:00. The tables were exquisitely decorated: folded towels in form of roses; little hearts in red and pink fabric were scattered here and there. I kept both as a souvenir. In front of each plate there was a pretty white, yellow, and orange Winterfest candle. We solemnly lit each other’s candle in turn while someone was reading a modified version of Father’s speech from Winterfest in the episode "Dead of Winter". It was a moment of intense emotion. I was close to tears. I looked at Rose, my lovely fellow Con Virgin. Like all of us, she was very moved. You could see it on her face. With the last words, we all lifted our candles. It was a time of sharing with the spirit of the tunnels bathing us. At that moment, I really had the feeling of belonging to a family, a community.

After the banquet, I did not dare join the folk dances with the others, because I do not know the American dances. But I took the opportunity to take photos. I loved the music and the orchestra.

This was followed by an auction of various items all very tempting, like the bust of Vincent carved by Peggy’s daughter or one of Vincent’s sweatshirts. I would have liked to win everything !! I was lucky enough to win a commemorative collector coin of the series. I was very happy.

Sunday, July 13, 2014 The last day of the convention, alas. From 9:00 to 10: 00 there was a workshop about the third series by Linda S.

From 10:00 to 12:30 there were various activities: "Creature trivia" (Rosemarie), "BATB trivia" (Pat), "Art Auction”," "Dirty Minds game" (Brenda).

At 12:30, the meal (Afternoon tea).

At 1:30, the third "Beast Bingo" (Judy, Karen).

At 2:30, "What Attracts People to BATB". Rose and others spoke up. I would have liked to, but I do not speak enough English.

Then came the closing ceremony and everyone held hands to form a large circle. A very emotional moment. It felt like a dream. We, the Newbies, were in the center of the circle. Then we joined the others, as Catherine had done in the "Dead of Winter" episode. I really almost cried. This is something I will never forget. This was followed by a round of warm hugs. Yes, I'm really part of the family, the BatB community now. And I'm very proud.

The flame was passed to Michelle, who will organize the next convention in Calgary. [5]
