Talk:Why? -- A Not-Remotely-Complete Investigation of the "Why Slash/Why Het/Why Femslash" Debate

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This article is written by a fan, so I suppose the Perspectives on Fans category should come off. But even though that category is about "outsiders," this essay still is a "perspective on fans." I'm having trouble dividing some of these non-fiction articles and essays into neat piles. Is there one way on Fanlore where all these meta, essays, press, and non-fiction stuff about fans are gathered? Is it possible for the Meta Category to be a subcategory of Perspectives on Fans? *floundering a bit* --Mrs. Potato Head 17:41, 26 April 2012 (UTC)

I think the dividing line is not so much the identity of the writer as the identity of the audience. The venue for this piece,, looks like a nonfannish venue, though the style of the piece suggests her audience would include fans, if not slash fans.
I added Meta as a subcategory of Perspectives on Fans.--æþel 22:32, 26 April 2012 (UTC)
Thinking of it as for whom it was written rather than who is was written by (probably really mangled the English language there) helps a lot. And it takes me out of the equation of deciding who's a "fan" and who isn't -- that part made me uncomfortable. --Mrs. Potato Head 22:39, 26 April 2012 (UTC)