Talk:Plastic Incarnation

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Is there any archival footage of this? I think an example would be really awesome, if anyone has anything. --Betty 02:57, 16 October 2008 (UTC)

Well crap, I have a very old videotape. Somebody's got to have a digitized version though, right? --Vee 03:01, 16 October 2008 (UTC)

How come the Barbies into this? Early in the text (at "with visuals of officially-licensed Barbie dolls") I thought it was reenactment with an "X-Files Barbie" and then thought that it sounded kind of cool that Mattel actually produced a Barbie who had XF alien hunter gear and that this was some kind of commentary (I mean to have Mulder be played by a female Barbie in an FBI suit and an alien abduction set or whatever), but later on it sounds as if the scenes were played out with regular XF action figures, i.e. a plastic Mulder and such. What was it? --Ratcreature 03:08, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

I... never actually owned one myself, but I think they were sold by Mattel, under the Barbie name, and were just a dark-haired Ken doll and a redheaded Barbie doll in "Armani" suits and cell phones. Anyway, they were bigger than what you'd imagine for an action figure, and less poseable, and much more vague in terms of resemblance to the actor. So, yes, officially-licensed Barbie dolls is meant literally, to the best of my knowledge! (Alas no cross-dressing female-Mulder.) I can ask around some old friends for verification. --Vee 03:14, 8 December 2008 (UTC)