Talk:Lee Goldberg

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Didn't use any of the people templates because Lee doesn't have "fandoms" in any rational sense. Can anyone design a template? Does it take a Gardener to install one, or can anyone just start using them and they'll show up on the template page?

Eventually, I'm sure we'll have plenty of listings for people who aren't "fans," but have had an impact on the fannish world. JKR, for starters, and several other authors. (Need an "author" template.) Some judges. Rabid anti-fandom spokespersons. Copyright law interpreters like Lessig. Dead (erm, "historical") people who made a big impact, like Shakespeare and the Grimm brothers and Disney.

And as much as I like the idea of a "fan" template, a "person" template, and an "anti-fan" template, I s'pose just fan & other person would be reasonable.

So far, anyone can make a template. I've been using the Template:UserProfile as a base for other templates like FanProfile and CommunityProfile.--Seperis 17:54, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
HALP! I have a profile mostly worked out--and I'm not sure what to call it. I started with "author profile," and decided it'd be ridiculous to have author/artist/director/political figure etc. separate profiles, and came up with a more general one. But I don't know whether to call it ProProfile or PersonProfile or something else. (CreatorProfile?)
|also known as=
|official page=
|fan pages=
How's it look? What should it be called? --Elfwreck 19:12, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
Awesome. Definitely needed. I would add () to "medium" and "official page" and auto-include it in [:Category:Industry]. The Joss Whedon page needs this template! :)--Ari 19:29, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
If it's going to be one template for everyone who isn't a fan, maybe it should be "relevance to fandom", rather than "medium"? (television producer, copyright lawyer, actor, novelist, game creator, academic...) And if it's going to be that encompassing -- which I think is a good idea, because too many specific templates will just get confusing -- I'd go for "PersonProfile", with maybe a note at the top of the template page explaining that this is for people who have substantially influenced/affected fandom but who aren't themselves a *part* of fandom (at least under this name *g*). --Arduinna 19:30, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
Maybe place occupatoin above medium to name job first. then medium can be left blank if not applicable for non-creative. I like PersonProfile, personally. *g* I don't know why, but it appeals. --Seperis 19:35, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
|also known as=
|official page=
|fan pages=
So, like that? I'd worry that "relevance to fandom" would get answers like "anti-fanfic blogger" or "ruled on key copyright case". --Elfwreck 19:47, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
This works! The Wiki is still small enough that if it turns out we need to add something to the template, we still can with minimal problems. It looks nice.--Seperis 19:56, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
Here it is: PersonProfile --Elfwreck 20:00, 2 October 2008 (UTC)